A large amount of the world’s population struggle with things like addiction, depression, or social anxiety due to the fact that they are suffering from an identity crisis. What exactly does this mean? It means that these people don’t know who they are at their core and they feel lost in the world around them because of it.
The more you know, the better you understand,
Knowledge grants you deeper insight into yourself, other people and life in general. With a better understanding of yourself, others and life comes with an increased sense of purpose and meaning. In essence, knowledge can be your key to happiness. When you know what it takes to achieve your goals, it’s easier for you to reach them with greater speed. Greater knowledge leads to greater success – or at least that’s how things usually go down! Knowledge also allows you to understand your place in society, which in turn gives you confidence and pride. After all, when you understand why something happens or how something works, it’s easier for you to accept that thing as part of who you are. And acceptance breeds contentment. Finally, knowing more about yourself and others also helps strengthen relationships by giving both parties common ground on which they can connect. So whether you want to learn more about science, religion or history, there’s no reason not to seek out new knowledge every day. The next time someone asks why? just remember: Knowledge is power.
A deeper understanding of your mind and body,
Study your mind and body and try to understand what they tell you. What’s their history? What have they gone through? By gaining a better understanding of yourself, you can learn to trust your intuition more, be aware of what’s normal for you, and train yourself for success in everything that you do. This will also help prevent (or at least minimize) being taken advantage of. If you know who you are, it becomes harder for others to play games with your head.
Learn how to use your brain,
The human brain was designed by nature to recognize patterns and make connections between seemingly random sets of information. (In fact, studies show that people can identify where they have seen a certain face before even if they only see part of it.) In other words, we are better able to understand and learn things when we’re exposed to them multiple times—such as in school or work—or when we are given new perspectives on concepts via different mediums, such as visual aids.
Know who you are,
The first step in discovering your own divinity is becoming comfortable with who you are. Are you a driven, achievement-oriented individual who’s motivated by self-improvement? Or do you find fulfillment in simply being present, appreciating what’s around you? This exercise will help answer these questions and many more. It’s also a great way to kick off your spiritual journey—and it can be done anywhere! All you need is a pen and paper (or notebook).
Grow your perspective,
Develop a worldly outlook and you’ll come to see life from a much larger perspective. In today’s globalized world, our thoughts and actions can have a big impact on others—and it pays to be mindful of that. Try reading about international news at least once a week (you can find plenty of articles here ) or following your local or state representatives on social media. This will help you understand how other people live their lives and what they care about. It may also help you develop empathy for those who are different than you, which in turn will broaden your own worldview.
See who can help you grow,
One of life’s greatest lessons is that nobody cares about you more than you. So if you want to be successful, it’s your job—not your parents, not your teachers, not your friends—to work hard and make something of yourself. Surround yourself with those who can help you achieve what you want in life. Don’t be afraid to work hard for what you believe in and don’t let anyone bring you down for being ambitious or driven.