Everyone hates those creepy little crawlers.
One minute you're having a wonderful day, the next you discover a bug in your hair and suddenly realize you have little beasties making a feast of your head.
After we have our initial freak out, we then head to the nearest drug store to pick up a box of chemicals to zap these little buggers.
You treat with a couple of follow up treatments and it's all over.
Sadly however, many chemical treatments are becoming ineffective against lice due to overuse. And let's face it, the stuff in that box really isn't that good for you.
If you're anything like me, you like a nice simple and inexpensive fix that doesn't run the risk of making you pee blood or some weird symptom you get from using hardcore products.
Olive oil and Tea Tree!
We use this every time we've had a run in with these nasty little creatures.
Mix 10-15 drops of tea tree oil for about a half cup of oil. Put it in your hair - put a shopping bag over top for about 20-30 minutes. Wash out with shampoo that you also put tea tree oil in - leaving the shampoo in for about 5 or so minutes before washing. Get a knit comb and brush brush brush!
That's it!
Yes, it's that easy and that cost effective.
Hope you enjoy!
Let me know how it works for you!