What is a letter of special appearance ?
Anytime you are summoned to court you can always appear " specially " meaning you write a letter addressed to the crown / court / and the clerk, the clerk is the most important person in the court, he/she is the only one there in a true position, the rest are costumed actors.
A proper special appearance has three things the case number or ticket/ summons numbers. All the pertinent information directly related and any claims ( police name , badge, payroll number ) you may have as to your treatment.
Finding the cops guilty of malfeasance is key to winning your case . read the police services act/ procedures acts, and outline everything the cop does wrong in the letter , and finally your qualified signature. At this time you can also ask for the injured party as well as a valid WRITTEN claim.
If you do not qualify your signature is has very little value , Remember the signature is the money attached to the account. ( see winston shrout creditors in commerce )
I always qualify my signature by writing above it in ink ," in propria persona sui juris without prejudice " It tells them that I am acting in the proper jurisdiction and capable of handling my affairs and I reserve all my freedoms to do it, and most importantly it tells them that upon acceptance of the letter it can not be revisited.
It is also important to never create joinder within the letter itself, The letter comes from " agent for the estate of the person being summoned" That is you , the person does not exist except in their perception unless you admit to being it. Never inform on yourself. these people need your compliance to act on you.
Telling these people you " do not consent " after showing ID is laughable because you already have and in writing.
This is also why you should never have nor admit to having any ID. see canada evidence act section 50 and 50.2 for more on this. You have a legal right to not show ID. Their world always provides remedy in their acts and statutes. They have to provide remedy it is your job ( sui juris ) to find that remedy and they will accept that you are in fact able to handle your own affairs. they look for that in a sovereign. If you are not willing to do the research why would they accept you as anything less that just another mindless slave.
They have their rules and a sovereign has duty to know those rules in order to be sui juris in all matters that affect you as a sovereign.
- From Mika of the Rasila Family --> find his posts here: @mika-otf-rasila