So, apparently koala brothels (bestiality) are a thing.

in koalabrothel •  8 years ago 

Yes, just when I thought the headlines I read all the time couldn't get weirder than say... Pizzagate and the international satanic pedo ring that appears to run multiple governments I get to this beauty of an article.


Here's the beginning of the article:
Pinjarra | Australian Federal agents cracked down on unsuspecting party goers in a privately owned petting zoo yesterday where more than 40 arrests were made over allegations of bestiality and animal cruelty, reports the Western Australian Herald this morning.

Here's the link-

In my best GW impersonation: I was SHOCKED!!!! but I wasn't surprised!

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LOL. I need to know more but im scared what might turn up, who the fuck would try and rape a koala :P

I asked that same thing, but then when I googled the picture some of the koalas looked like kids... and you know, this pizzagate thing is in my head, so I think it's probably some of the people in the same circles.