Kobe Bryant was into some fairly esoteric teachings and attempting to teach it to children and the masses.
I wonder if the "powers that be" decided this cramped their style and let too much info out of the cage!
Kobe had a shown on ESPN using a snake puppet (very interesting as it was satan in the form of a serpent who first deceived humanity). First 1/3 of the angels fell. ..why they like .33-the number 33, and then the most subtile beast of the field set out to make humanity fall!
He instructs children and people in the following video that every musecage is powered by 2 forces.
The truth is. ..we Should not be focusing on negative (dark as Kobe puts it) thoughts, but on higher thoughts.
Kobe also states the snake puppet when the snake puppets says he doesn't like dark musings, "Most people don't, but what they don't understand is dark musings may just be our greatest source of energy and power." And of course the snake is Wowed by this.
Keeps referring to "inner beast" and how you can find it living inside of a dark muse. Is this a Good thing for kids? This is who the video is clearly targeting. Just check out the clip at the end of this article along with part 2 in sources and let me know what you think in comments.
God talks about this in the Bible and This is the key element of how skillful at deception satan is. Satan always takes elements of Good and mixes them with his lies.
God states,
Doesn't satan Always pretend he is helping when #WhatLiesBeneath is something that is doing us harm in the long run because we are doing it from a Sense of Self focus rather than God focus?
Self reliance and you can be your own God are part of the Kabbalah.
To see where the Kabbalah came from you can go here.
Where did the Kabbalah come from? Who wrote the Cabala? What is the Kabbalah about?
See below in sources and connecting videos/articles for more information.
You can hear Kobe say, "what people don't understand is that dark energy and musings just may be our greatest source of power."
Talks about "finding your inner beast."
On the surface, and likely Kobe himself felt he was helping. Did he fully understand the trick of the devil though?
I ask because he was clearly steeped in esoteric knowledge, learning and spreading the message with alchemy and magic as an offshoot. I believe this is evidenced in the books he was producing which were out in 2019 and 2020.
He does suggest "dark musings alone aren't enough to destroy the competition." In his part 2 of the musecage on ESPN (see in sources below) So was he suggesting they are used to an advantage for more than ignoring them and focusing on goodness, but to actually use them Against your Enemies?
Does God promote this? He doesn't because He tells us
Did he step out too far in revealing what the Cabal Mystery Religion is?
I ask because All of this merges into the Hollywood scene and them boasting about their "newfound religion." I assure you, it is NOT new found and has been around throughout the ages!
What they are signaling is dangerous simply because souls are at stake. It is very dangerous for people to believe they can become their own god or save themselves. It is a sick lie, not unlike the one satan told as that subtile serpent in the Garden of Eden which took Adam and Eve out of their protected space.
You see, God could have left them to their own choices and devices, they made Their choice to listen to satan who can appear in many forms. But God still took pity and loved humanity so He chose to make a bridge as an offer to spare them and all who accept that God sent His only Son to die on the cross. A perfect sacrifice to pay for the choice of sin. As sin entered the world win Adam and Eve fell for satan's deceptions and lies.
Satan is Never for us, but against us. In getting Adam and Eve out of their protected place where they walked with God, satan tempting humanity to fall got them away from God and rebelling just as satan did when he was God's most beautiful angel in heaven and decided to rebel and fall away from God.
You see, if satan can get us to think God is the one against is and satan is for us. ..we spend eternity with satan and he collects more souls in an attempt to thwart God's plan of having a relationship with us and us spending eternity with God rather than damnation.
Just look at how Hollywood constantly tries to present hell as "fun" and a party. Is it fun?
Or as in the movie the Usual suspects they even point out,
In other words, if you get to the end of your life either believing satan never existed, denying his presence and the power he has in this realm (when God cast him out of heaven for trying to usurp God's authority earth became satan's domain), or if you fall for his deception in believing his ways are better than God's ways. ..satan wins. Just as he won in the Garden of Eden when Adam and Eve chose the serpents ways over God's ways.
We are Not doomed, we can choose to listen to God over satan's skillful deception in which he uses celebrities just like Kobe to send people a message which appears to help them, but in the end it Will be their demise! Purposely makes it confusing by even trying to say there are Many ways to God.
Not so. ..Only One Way! Don't be fooled. Don't fall for the serpent's skillful deception. .the Great Deception!
1 Timothy 2:5 - For [there is] one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus;
Isaiah 44:6 - Thus saith the LORD the King of Israel, and his redeemer the LORD of hosts; I [am] the first, and I [am] the last; and beside me [there is] no God.
Isaiah 43:11 - I, [even] I, [am] the LORD; and beside me [there is] no saviour.
1 Corinthians 8:6 - But to us [there is but] one God, the Father, of whom [are] all things, and we in him; and one Lord Jesus Christ, by whom [are] all things, and we by him.
Deuteronomy 6:4 - Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God [is] one LORD:
James 2:19 - Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble.
Revelation 1:8 - I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty.
John 10:30 - I and [my] Father are one.
God is Very Clear, sadly many choose not to listen. I am praying many will have their eyes opened and choose to acknowledge. ..God is For you and not against you as satan tries to trick us all into believing. You cannot be your own God, that is a dangerous path. It puts humanity above God and God is our Creator.
Are you one of the few or one of the many?
Keep in mind just Where this "esoteric religion" came from. They want you to know it is For the Elites. That is Not what God says about HIS ways. Believing and trusting in God is a choice and is Not just reserved for the elites.
You know all that Star Studded stuff you hear about and they attempt to get people to pander after and emulate. ..mimics the fallen from heaven and the rebellion. Many fall for it, but few see the truth!
Broad is the path to destruction as God told us. Are you going to listen to satan the master deceiver and prince of this world or to God?
Ask yourself. ..why do they keep signaling hell is cool in songs like Highway to Hell? Ever listened to the lyrics?
How about the recent award shows and songs out in the music industry (satan is the prince and power of the air) just what does that mean exactly?
Only one way to God
See Kobe's musecage for yourself here,
Inside Kobe Bryant's Musecage (Part 1) | ESPN
Interesting that in part 2 shows the crystal ball. ..all must fun and mythical right? Is it? Because spells are mentioned and who has always mentioned magic and spells?
Disney! Walt Disney was a Free Mason and much surrounds the Disney empire regarding Stanford Research Instituted funding along with Pedogate arrests with people involved in Disney and even a connection to Esptein's island and Ghislaine Maxwell. ..Epstein's girlfriend and procurer of children.
Wonder why part 2 demonstrating basketball greats sounds very propagandish as films we were made to watch while in the educational system. Also ran by globalists. ..if you do a quick search, you will see Rockefeller foundation owns most of the curriculum along with globalist publishing houses. Some have ties to Germany, the UK and people like Robert Maxwell. .. they go Way back.
Did you happen to see the focus for the Music Awards towards the end of 2019! I don't watch these Worship fests of the elites, Hollywood and the music industry, but when researching came across clips and noticed a theme that was. . .shall we say hell bent?
Billie Eilish - all the good girls go to hell (Live From The American Music Awards/2019)
Came across this. ..does anyone know what his deal is? I do he has been linked to some questionable people concerning the cabal and globalists.
They played this at the American Music Awards 2019, but can't find the clip right now without more deep digging.
Here is on the Stephen Colbert show
Kesha Ft. Big Freedia: "Raising Hell"
Books Kobe worked on due to be released 2019 - 2020
When you combine the magic theme found in these books with his Musecage series it doesn't seem so innocent or fun, but that is how it is packaged!
Interesting. ..remember how he was telling kids your power and energy can come from the "dark musings?"
They claim the target audience is children. Why was this being marketed to children?
USA Today admits this. . .oddly enough they only focus on one aspect of the agenda. I find that interesting and the fact that ESPN appeared to run cover trying to praise it though others were clearly weirded out.
Seems MSM is always willing to put their Own spin on everything.
ESPN is after all owned by. . .
Yikes! Remember the whole Esptein Island stop for the Disney Cruise And the CEO of Nike (used to be on Disney Board) Mark Parker's art I mentioned earlier. Lots of Red Flags!
Are they trying to redefine and normalize evil? Please let me know in the comments below.
Sources and connecting videos/articles,
Inside Kobe Byrant's Musecage (Part 2) | ESPN
On another note, it's interesting to see them trying to play down the puppet thing and his musecage shows on ESPN. Here what she says here bringing it right in to the puppet reference.
She says NIKE did them. Are you familiar with the art of Mark Parker their CEO. You should take a look at who he admires and his collection.
Thank you for this. I have not seen these videos before. What NBA legend Kobe Bryant talked about with the sock snake is similar to the light side and the dark side of the force of Star Wars which is also owned by Disney. Now, I wonder if anybody wanted Kobe dead or not. If Kobe was encouraging kids away from Christ, then wouldn't they do their best to make sure Kobe didn't accidentally die somehow? Did Kobe know something that somebody didn't like? Maybe something about Clinton, Epstein, etc?
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Key questions @joeyarnoldvn
It does seem they generally sacrifice someone they are afraid may start revealing info.
Interesting how he and daughter had remains buried at Corona del Mar and here they died right at the onset of the pandemic. Really interesting!
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