A COVID-19 vaccine could come within weeks — at least a limited supply to front-line medical workers.

in konflik •  4 years ago 

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US President Donald Trump’s campaign on Sunday (Nov 16) dropped a major part of a lawsuit it brought seeking to halt Pennsylvania from certifying its results in the presidential election, narrowing the case to a small number of ballots.
In an amended complaint filed in federal court, the Trump campaign dropped a claim that election officials unlawfully blocked observers from watching the counting of mail-in ballots in Philadelphia and Pittsburgh.


The pared-down lawsuit now focuses on a claim that Democratic-leaning counties unlawfully allowed voters to fix errors in their mail-in ballots in violation of state law. Officials have said the dispute affects a small number of ballots in the state, where Democrat Joe Biden is projected to win by more than 60,000 votes.

Pennsylvania officials have asked a judge in toss Trump’s lawsuit, saying the election observers were allowed to assess the processing of mail-in ballots and that all of the state’s counties were permitted to inform residents if their mailed-in ballots were deficient, even if it was not mandatory for them to do so.


READ: Law firm Porter Wright withdraws from Trump campaign lawsuit in Pennsylvania
In Pennsylvania’s populous Montgomery County, less than 100 voters fixed ballots with technical errors, a county official testified at a court hearing on Nov 4.
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The Trump campaign continues to seek a court order blocking the Pennsylvania secretary of state from ratifying the result.
Biden clinched the election after news media and Edison Research called him as the victor in Pennsylvania, putting him over the 270 electoral votes needed to win. Edison Research said on Friday that Biden had won 306 Electoral College votes to Trump’s 232.

Trump on Sunday briefly appeared to acknowledge that Biden’s victory, but then recanted and claimed he would soon file fresh challenges. His campaign has filed a string of long-shot lawsuits in several battleground states.


On Twitter on Sunday, Trump said many cases being filed were not from his campaign.
READ: Why Trump’s lawsuits are unlikely to change the outcome of the election
“Our big cases showing the unconstitutionality of the 2020 Election, & the outrage of things that were done to change the outcome, will soon be filed!,” he tweeted.


Legal experts say the lawsuits have little chance of changing the outcome of the election. A senior Biden legal adviser has dismissed the litigation as “theatrics, not really lawsuits”.

WASHINGTON: President Donald Trump backtracked after appearing on Sunday (Nov 15) to acknowledge for the first time that Joe Biden won the Nov 3 election, saying he conceded “nothing” and repeating his unfounded claims of widespread voting fraud.
Biden defeated Trump by winning a series of battleground states that the Republican incumbent had won in 2016. The Democratic former vice president also won the national popular vote by more than 5.5 million votes, or 3.6 percentage points.


Trump made his conflicting statements in a series of Twitter posts.
“He won because the Election was Rigged,” Trump wrote on Sunday morning, not referring to Biden by name. “NO VOTE WATCHERS OR OBSERVERS allowed, vote tabulated by a Radical Left privately owned company, Dominion, with a bad reputation & bum equipment that couldn’t even qualify for Texas (which I won by a lot!), the Fake & Silent Media, & more!
About an hour later, Trump wrote, “He only won in the eyes of the FAKE NEWS MEDIA. I concede NOTHING! We have a long way to go. This was a RIGGED ELECTION!”


Trump had yet to concede the election to Biden who was called the winner on Nov 7 after enough states results came in to hand the former Democratic vice president victory.

Biden has won 306 votes in the state-by-state Electoral College system that determines the presidential winner, according to Edison Research, far more than the 270 needed.
Speaking on the NBC program “Meet the Press,” Biden’s pick for White House chief of staff, Ron Klain, said, “Donald Trump’s Twitter feed doesn’t make Joe Biden president or not president. The American people did that.”
The federal agency in charge of providing those resources, the General Services Administration, has yet to recognise Biden’s victory.


The US President has also stalled the government’s normal process of preparing for a new presidential administration, which both Democrats and some Republicans have said has serious national security implications.
READ: Biden wins White House with 306 electoral votes to Trump’s 232: US media
Trump’s campaign team and Republicans have also sought to press their case in court in key battleground states, but have been widely rejected.

Election officials of both parties have said there is no evidence of major irregularities. Democrats and other critics have accused Trump of trying to delegitimize Biden’s victory and undermine public confidence in the American electoral process. Before the election, Trump had refused to commit to a peaceful transfer of power.


Senator Bernie Sanders, one of the main challengers to Biden for the Democratic presidential nomination, criticided Trump’s post-election conduct.

“Trump will have the distinction of doing more than any person in the history of this country in undermining American democracy. The idea that he continues to tell his supporters that the only reason he may have lost this election was because of fraud is an absolutely disgraceful, un-American thing to do,” Sanders told CNN’s “State of the Union” programme.


READ: Commentary: How Joe Biden won the 2020 US presidential election
Biden has spent days huddled with advisers as he weighs Cabinet appointments, fields congratulatory calls from world leaders and maps out the policies he will pursue after being sworn in on Jan 20. He is expected to continue meeting with advisers in private on Sunday.

John Bolton, Trump’s former national security adviser turned critic, on Sunday called on Republicans to acknowledge Biden’s victory. Bolton last week accused his fellow Republicans of “coddling” and “kowtowing” to Trump as the incumbent despite his defeat.

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