Korean Fashion Booming in 2021, Here's Why

in koreanfashion •  4 years ago 

Kpop korean fashion

Korean fashion is so powerful and far-reaching that there's a unique term to describes its impact: Hallyu.

Hallyu, or the Korean Wave, cements the East Asian country's position as a contemporary world power in fashion, beauty, and entertainment.

Brands like Soko Glam lead the Korean beauty world, while names like Bong Joon Ho, BTS, or Blackpink are at the forefront of the Korean entertainment industry.

And while this Asian culture is mass exporting viral entertainment and celebrities, Korean fashion brands are the next area worth exploring.

As Korea continues to be a leading source for the 'Next Big Thing,' it only makes sense that its fashion designers would become the industry's next stars.

The growth of the Korean fashion scene is also helped by a surge in government funding and programs like Concept Korea in recent years.

Therefore, whether it's the latest trends or pure sartorial culturally infused, the Korean fashion scene, rising straight out of Seoul, can no longer be ignored.

Here are some of the best Korean fashion brands and designers right now in 2021:


  2. ROKH


  4. EENK

  5. SJYP

  6. WE11-DONE




  10. IISE

Read the full Korean fashion guide - clothing brands, online stores, latest trends, and most popular influencers - on The VOU.

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