My experience in Turkey Part 2 (Exchange Student at Yildiz Technical University) - Special things

in kr-newbie •  8 years ago 

Hi all.
Before started to write my story, i said really sorry about late update. (Because of the hard working period in a recent days...)
Today, i will also write about my experience during exchange student period in Turkey @ YTU.

In the previous post, i wrote why i choose Turkey and how to prepare. In this post i will wrote about my daily life in Turkey.

At first, it is really hard to make a friends during the class. My Turkish buddy and i took a different courses (because of the major), and my close friends who met in ESN Meeting also took different courses. (I'm a only Chemistry major student) And Turkish students who took same course with me seems didn't care about me. (But its okay, because speaking English with other people need a lot of courage who's mother tongue is not English)

But after a one week since i took a courses, really luckily and thankfully, many Turkish students come to me and ask where i'm from and ask about South Korea and why i choose Turkey etc....
Its very thanks for me, because its bit hard to follow the course in Turkey. (a lot of Professors spoke English but the detail explanation is Turkish...) students who come to me, helped a lot of things. assignment, but a book or they took me some nice places to enjoy Turkish life. So my experience to the Turkish people is very good. Because they are all kind and try to help me as much as they can even i asked a lot of questions.

I still contact with some of them although we couldn't meet almost 3 years. But, we believe that someday we will meet again in Turkey or South Korea or even in the other Countries. Because we are still young and life is long :)

Ahhh i forgot to write where i live and who live with me.
At there i live near the Ortakoy which is famous for beautiful scenery. ( I Can see this view every day because my house is very close to Ortakoy camil)

And Ortakoy is very famouse for Kumpir (i forgot this is right name or not.. it is a food that baked potato with a lot of sauce and ham, corn etc that you choose.) its one of the best Turkish food that i ate in Turkey.

And i live with one French girl and one Syrian Guys. all of them are kind and nice. sometimes, we made each others' traditional food and shared it :)

One thing i learn in Turkey is , Turkish people really love (even crazy) about sports games.
all of my close Turkish friends are fan of the Fenerbahce. And our SouthKorea's No.1 volley ball player kim yeon koung played in that team. (Sorry for besiktas, galatasaray fans....)
almost every week, i go to see the soccer game, basketball game and volleyball games. It really nice experience that all of us cheer for the same team and share the happy or sad experience together. ㅁㅁㅁ.jpg

And i also like to walk along the Taksim the main street in Istanbul. its very cloud, and full of noise but its very nice to walk along the looooong street and sometimes see the musicians performance in the street, or buy some kebap or Turkish ice cream. ( l like to go Galata Tour and drink Turkish Coffee and saw the beautiful ocean view. Thats the peace i think:)
Plus i also like to tour alone in the Turkish old palaces and mosque.
Blue mosque, Topkapi palace, Dolmabahce etc...
When i feel lonely and miss our family, i went to the mosque and just seat. Although i don't have any religious, just seat and feel the calm in the mosque gave me the inner peace.

Next post, i will wrote about the Traffic System in Turkey. (its bit different from South Korea).

Thanks for wrote my post, and sorry again for late post and short post.
I will promise to wrote post every week about Turkey in English. (even my boss asked me to work on weekend) haha.

Thanks again for read.

And Inshalla :)

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