I read an article written by patriamreminisci.

in kr-newbie •  5 years ago  (edited)

It looks like an American in his thirties, and seems to be an English teacher in China.

I'm not good at English, so I can't read his writings, but I'm reading hard while studying English.

It is interesting to read about the difficulties and cultural shocks Americans face in China.

Listening to Koreans doing business in China, it's really hard to do business with Chinese people.

The Chinese are arrogant and proud that they are the center of the world, so foreigners are all considered barbarians.

In particular, The Chinese are preventing foreigners from making money in China.

The Chinese initially give foreigners all kinds of gifts and favors, but in the end treat them like slaves.

In the past, Western empires initially enslaved the colonists, but later liberated, while China initially treated them as guests and later as slaves.

Koreans have always been wary of China because it has treated Korea this way for thousands of years.

Koreans know how to check China through appropriate diplomacy whenever countries in Manchuria, Mongolia and Uighurs wage war with China.

On the other hand, China provided economic benefits to Korea to check Manchuria and Mongolia.

Modern Japanese have lied to Westerners that Korea is a tributary of China.

Japan argues that it was just that Japan made Korea a colony because it was originally a Chinese colony.

However, this is a historical distortion that justifies the Japanese invasion of Korea.

Korea only received money from China and contained China's enemies, Manchuria and Mongolia.

As the Bible says, Korea played a role in Israel's war in Assyria, Egypt, and Babylon.

Korea was liberated from the slavery of the Buddhist state Japan with the help of the Christian state of America, so many Koreans became Christians.

Korean Christians like me prayed that Jesus would free Korea from Japan, just as he freed Israel from Roman slavery. Thus, Korean Christians recognize America as a liberator like Jesus.

Currently, 10 million Korean Protestants and Catholics combined.

I have never been to China, but I enjoy reading the writings by patriamreminisci.

Even if China's economy develops and becomes stronger, I still think it is a backward country.

China was still an unreliable dictatorship.

So, Koreans want the United States to be leaders in Korea, Japan, and Taiwan to curb China's expansion.

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