베네수엘라의 식량 위기로 인해 상업 시설에서 약탈을 일으켰습니다. / Food crisis in Venezuela causes looting in commercial establishments

in kr •  7 years ago  (edited)

베네수엘라는 2016 년에 역사상 가장 잔인한 위기를 겪고 있으며 2017 년에는 경제 위기가 심각하게 늘어 났으며 어린이 영양 실조가 계속 늘어나고 사람들이 굶주리고 있으며 일부는 음식물 쓰레기로 찾아야합니다. 끔찍한

실업률이 높아져 사람들이 다른 사람들을 훔쳐서 집으로 식량을 가져 오는 한편 정부는이 모든 것을 부인하고 국가가 완전한 정상 상태에 있음을 보장해야합니다. 식량난은 음식을 훔치기 위해 상업 시설에가는 비디오입니다.

Venezuela is experiencing the most brutal crisis in all its history, in 2016 and so far in 2017 the economic crisis has grown considerably, cases of malnutrition in children continue to increase, people are starving, some have to seek Food in the garbage, this is terrible.

The level of unemployment has been increasing, so the delicacy also, people kill to steal others and to bring food to their home, meanwhile the government is responsible for denying all this and ensures that the country in total normality, one of The signs of this food economic crisis are these videos where people go to commercial establishments to steal food.

베네수엘라에서 무슨 일이 일어나고 있는지 세계가 알 수 있도록 다른 언어로 발행합니다. / I publish in different languages so that the world will know what is happening in Venezuela

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What is the cause of this? What is the solution?

The solution is simple a change of government that guarantees economic security to all Venezuelans, and that change the economic policies in terms of both food production @konrad2199

Please explain how you would guarantee "economic security to all Venezuelans."
Could you also elaborate what changes to "economic policies" and "food production" you believe would solve the issues you have outlined in post?

And, how do you believe Venezuela got to this point?
The images sadden me.
I would like to learn how to solve this.