[Today Photo] 06/08/2018

in kr •  7 years ago 


맛있는 하루 였기를.
I wish you a delicious day.


쉴 새 없이 깜빡이는 불빛처럼
깜빡이며 빛나는 게 삶.
The light flashes and flashes endlessly. Our lives are like lights.


그 삶에 나는 어떤 결을 새기고 있을까.
What kind of spirit do I have in my life?

[Today Photo] 06/08/2018

Nexus 5x
Photo by instamini App


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사진 진짜 감성적이네요 ㅠㅠ

고맙습니다^^ 소소하게 일상을 찍고 있습니다~^^

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