RE: Korean Crypto Youtuber Attacked With Hammers

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Korean Crypto Youtuber Attacked With Hammers

in kr •  5 years ago  (edited)

(서울=연합뉴스) 김예나 기자 = 서울의 한 아파트 단지에서 귀가 중인 남성이 신원을 알 수 없는 남성들에게 수갑과 흉기로 공격당하는 사건이 발생해 경찰이 수사에 나섰다.

서울 성동경찰서는 9일 새벽 성동구의 한 아파트 엘리베이터 안에서 30대 A씨가 피습당했다는 신고를 확인하고 현장에서 달아난 남성들을 쫓고 있다고 밝혔다.

경찰 등에 따르면 당시 남성 2명은 아파트 건물 내부로 들어와 엘리베이터 안에서 A씨를 붙잡고 손에 사제 수갑을 채운 뒤 흉기를 휘두르고는 달아난 것으로 전해졌다.

씨는 인근 병원으로 옮겨져 치료를 받았고 다행히 생명에는 지장이 없는 것으로 알려졌다.

경찰은 정확한 사건 경위를 조사하는 한편, 폐쇄회로(CC)TV 등을 토대로 현장에서 달아난 남성들의 행방을 추적하고 있다.

Papago is a much better translator for Korean.

"(Seoul: Yonhap News) Reporter Kim Ye-na: Police launched an investigation into an apartment complex in Seoul after a man returning home was attacked with handcuffs and weapons by unidentified men.

Seoul's Seongdong Police Station confirmed a report that a man in his 30s was attacked inside an elevator in an apartment building in Seongdong-gu early Tuesday morning and said, "We are chasing men who fled from the scene."

According to the police, two men entered the apartment building, grabbed the man in the elevator, handcuffed him to his hand, wielded a weapon and fled.

The man was taken to a nearby hospital for treatment and, fortunately, he is known to be alive.

Police are investigating the exact circumstances of the incident, while tracing the whereabouts of the men who fled the scene based on CCTVs."

They attacked him with handcuffs! And frankly, it seems like this was inevitable, considering how many people he probably burned by selling them shitcoins and stealing their cash

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thank you, im not good with korean (obviously).