North Korea | What if the only way to deal with the Nuclear threat, is to deploy technology nobody wants to reveal?

in kr •  7 years ago  (edited)

As I sat this morning in my eastern European office, preparing to spend the next several days doing the MFMPs accounts, I heard the monthly nuclear warning siren test outside. I took a recording for your listening pleasure. There are several examples of recordings taken of other siren locations in the city on YouTube 2010 & 2014

Unlike many of you, I have the luxury of a functioning nuclear bunker just 5 minutes walk from both my office and my families home. Of course I don't know if I would be let in, but the sirens and that knowledge are some comfort at least.

This being just a day after North Korea's first successful launch of an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) I was moved by the sirens song, to write my view on the situation and the only way I can see it resolved.

What has failed in respect to North Korea

  • letting them be
  • sanctions
  • shows of strength
  • generosity
  • diplomacy with partners

The situation

North Korea has developed an ICBM that can be mobile launched, this means that in theory, even without a range extension, (which seams inevitable at this point) it can be put on a boat and deployed as desired.


Figure 1: Launch of North Korea ICBM SOURCE

Who is at risk?

One country, the USA.


History, politics, trade and geography. Dropping a nuke on USA would have the maximum 'bang for buck', since it is unlikely that North Korea will have the resources to have 1000s made, and on standby. If North Korea drops a nuke on USA, it effects basically nothing of importance to them, whilst if USA drops one on on North Korea, then it might effect a massive area where much of the worlds technology is made and from where the USA gets much of its goods and parts from. The situation is highly asymmetric.

North Korea would have no logical reason to attack its nuclear armed trading partner China, nor the nuclear armed Russia. Attacking South Korea or Japan would be sure to back fire as they are right on the doorstep. The historical animosity between the US and North Korea likely has its roots in the predominantly ideological Korean war where 1.2 million souls perished. China and Russia were on the side of North Korea.


Figure 2: Republic of Korea soldiers dumping spent artillery casings SOURCE

A personal aside...

My father was a gunner on a British aircraft carrier and may have perished also, however, whilst on its way to the peninsular, on the 3rd February 1953, there was an explosion on board that killed many marines, forcing the ship to return to the UK before ever joining the battle as part of the UK's, UN contribution.

The Challenge

Old nuclear weapons are much worse than you may think

They use Plutonium-239, with a half life of around 1/4 million years and an alpha particle decay of over 5MeV, a nano particle lodged in the lungs or intestine would cause cancer. Therefore, knocking them out of the sky with conventional weapons would cause a catastrophe.

Modern nuclear weapons use tritium, deuterium, or lithium deuteride as part of their charge, however, they mostly still use a fission bomb as a first stage, though their yield can be scaled to the carrying capacity of the delivery mechanism, so a larger capacity bomb may have a lower amount of fissile material in it and so potentially be, relative to its tonnage, less catastrophic if downed by conventional systems, but still bad, bad, bad.

You have a very small window to take out an ICBM

A rocket travelling in our atmosphere, cannot reach fantastic speeds, also, the target is far closer to any potential defence system. An ICBM, once in space and following its trajectory, is basically impossible to destroy with another rocket.

When an ICBM is designed to be launched from a fixed location, then intelligence can lead to successful pre-emptive destruction of that site. In the case of North Korea's latest test, they have shown the successful launch of a mobile device - this greatly reduces the possibility of taking out the launch site, before the missile is in flight. You then have only the remaining short time after detecting a launch to intercepting the device, but intercept with what? - you have just a few minutes to get to it and take it out before it is in space. Normal ballistic weapons cannot do this with comfortable probability.

You cannot risk a near simultaneous detonation

Never in the history of nuclear testing has their been 2 near incident, ground based atmospheric nuclear detonations.

See this excellent time-lapse map of every nuclear explosion since 1945 to 1998 - by Isao Hashimoto (based on accessible data) - Recommended to watch uning YouTube's double speed feature - look under the cog.

Video 1: Nuclear explosions since 1945 to 1998 - by Isao Hashimoto

Why should we fear two incidental nuclear explosions? Well, Stoyan Sarg, who worked for the Soviets and then in Canada on atmospheric research has calculated that two, conventional devices, detonated near simultaneously anywhere on earth, would create a self sustaining double vortex, stripping the Earth of its atmosphere, which would lead to the boiling off of the earths water into space.

It would kill the planet dead in a few days.

Video 2: Two near simultaneous ground based nuclear detonations would kill Earth

This is the real, untold, undisclosed risk here. Whilst modern US and Russian high atmospheric explosions have less risk of this occurring, the effect of the ground detonation of two, more conventional and relatively easy to make fission bombs, of the type North Korea likely posses, is unconscionable.

We cannot arm Japan or South Korea with nuclear weapons

For the above reasons, but mostly the risk of the dual explosions, nations of the world absolutely must not nuclear arm neighbouring 'friendly' countries.

So what can be done?

All options require devices that operate at the speed of light or near to it and are massless or effectively massless.

Early detection

You first have to know from far away when one of these devices are launched. The technology exists, the Russians developed one at several sites including at Chernobyl, this allows you to use low frequency radar (a form of light), that bounces off the ionosphere, to see 'over the horizon' the bouncing of light off the rocket could be discriminated due to the scale, acceleration and velocity, the device would need to reach escape velocity to reach space and not many objects do that.

Then use of undisclosed directed energy weapons, is the only viable solution

Most Directed energy weapons use photons of varying energy, to heat, melt or disintegrate an object and so many of them travel at the speed of light. Some you will know about, like the LASER and microwave weapons

What you may be unaware of, are weapons made from a phenomenon called 'Charge Clusters', these are like self-organising quanta of electrons that can nullify gravity and inertia of entrained ions, effectively making them massless. You have all seen charge clusters, lightening is charge clusters, as is its stranger brother ball lightening.

Video 3: Charge Clusters?

Tesla was said to have been one of the only persons to have ever lived that could create large scale ball lightening. However, Kenneth R. Shoulders, who coined the phrase charge clusters, also created miniature versions in his lab.


EVOs created and photographed by Kenneth R Shoulders SOURCE

Kenneth shoulders said that these incredibly powerful things can be stored into metals and triggered at will. His suggestion that John Hutchinson's effect is due to charge clusters, implies that they can be triggered by microwaves / static electric field interactions.

By using a simple charge differential accelerator, like that you would have in a cathode ray tube, prepared charge clusters, of enormous energies, can be accelerated up to near the speed of light. Therefore, they can be created and propelled towards a target at will. Charge clusters (even ball lightening) prefers conductive metals of high proton density, such as plutonium and uranium and, as John Hutchinson demonstrated many times, triggering a change of state, via carefully chosen electro-magnetic wave interference, you can trigger them to disintegrate metal objects, thus rendering any nuclear device incapable of reaching criticality.

More interestingly, as demonstrated by the Ukrainian Adamenko at the Proton 21 lab whose results Shoulder's attributed to the effects of charge clusters. The activity of radioactive isotopes can near-instantly be removed, by the action of charge clusters.


Figure 3: Recent research by S. Adamenko, again showing near instantaneous transmutation SOURCE

The solution

  1. Over the horizon radar or satellites trigger a trajectory tracking event
  2. Charge cluster pulses launched at near speed of light into the path of the projectiles determined trajectory, on contact are absorbed preferentially into the metals with the highest density
  3. Interference from either a) the natural electromagnetic / electrostatic field of earth and a ground based radio / microwave array or b) multiple ground based radio / microwave arrays, trigger the charge clusters captured into the projectile.

The effect

  1. The projectile would gently disintegrate, almost to a nano particle level and continue to disintegrate after initiation, to the atomic level over time
  2. The majority of the projectiles radioactive material would be rendered as other harmless stable elements and element isotopes

Here is part of a description of the 'disruptor' by Kenneth Shoulders. SOURCE

The utility of EVO technology for accomplishing the disruption claimed here is based on the ability to sequester charge to such an incredibly high degree that the cluster so formed easily traverses ordinary material with very low interaction. It thus becomes a projectile having an enormous energy density that can be triggered almost at will by setting the original, launched state of excitation whereby any added excitation will effect its disruption and subsequent energy release within the target.

If this energy release is caused to occur after passing through an ammunition shell casing, which adds excitation, an explosion of the entire round will occur with a possibility of this first explosion spreading to other nearby rounds. Under such conditions, it would not be advisable to have a loaded weapon anywhere nearby. The overall statement here is that the bearer of arms caries his own destructive force that can be triggered by a miniscule amount of well-emplaced energy.

In a similar scenario, an electronic control or communication device, being the environmentally sensitive things they are, cannot endure even one such strike of energy without losing the function of a large portion of the nearby nano devices.

Opening Pandora's box again

When the first nuclear weapon was dropped on Hiroshima, the first Pandora's box was opened, the nuclear age was upon us. According to Stoyan Sarg, this interaction with the energy stored in the static structure of the physical vacuum was unleashed.

The more subtle nature of charge clusters, that source their energy from the dynamic structure of the physical vacuum, will be even more disruptive because it can interact with matter and the aether in strange ways. Whilst the tool gives us an opportunity to defend against the use of nuclear weapons, as Kenneth Shoulders realised, it can be engineered into something that can render all modern warfare methods irrelevant.

Kenneth is right to recognise the extreme changes that will result from them being revealed, no means of protection would suffice, conventional weapons would be the holders worst enemy and robots would be trivial to disable. For this reason, as Kenneth also notes, much effort will be made to ban their manufacture and use.

See here for more detail about how Charge Clusters may work.


The technologies discussed above have likely been used before and so consequently, many may have already seen their effects, however, they could always be dismissed as something else. Given the intractable problem of what is now going on in the Korean peninsular, it may be time to ensure these tools are ready to deploy, to protect the citizens of the USA and elsewhere, someone is going to have to reveal that these tools exist and that will certainly initiate a debate as to their previous and future use.

Interestingly, the things that are hardest to damage with charge clusters are organic life forms and matter, things like humans and plants. Yes they may lead to some low level tritium production under certain circumstances, but as regards radioactive materials, they will do more remediation than generation.

There are those that do not want this technology to be known and go to extraordinary lengths to conceal it - however, we are reaching the point where it may need to be openly discussed. The weird things it can do will leave people aghast and in disbelief for a generation - that is better than loosing our atmosphere and our oceans.

After the great upset, perhaps a world of peace will emerge as it becomes nigh on impossible for despots and our own governments to control populations with conventional weaponry and means of restraint, we will just have to learn to live with each other and share the bounty that this technology will bring when, amongst other things, it is effectively channelled into providing near limitless, pollution free energy.

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I'd question (from a quantitative approach only, there's no doubt that ANY nuclear weapons in ANYBODY'S possession is a potential existential threat to a large portion of the globe's biosphere) your risk assessments.
As far as the world goes, if the US suddenly were destroyed, it's a very major problem to the world, but not an existential threat, and the same for N. (or S., for that matter). For Kim, the optimal result would be a successful strike without retaliation (nearly impossible, given...this is the US)- but that wouldn't destroy the US. A retaliation probably WOULD destroy N. Korea, even with conventional weapons- and the ensuing carnage devastating to at least the region. This is NOT the planetary threat you envision, most of the rest of the Northern Hemisphere would be unaffected to any serious degree, and the Southern little at all unless the Coriolis balance at the equator greatly disturbed.
Over the long term, should these two belligerents (and one who was raised Quaker in the US can tell you, the US has ALWAYS been a belligerent bully) be self-selected for elimination from world significance, there might be a window of opportunity for great positive social development- but given the Islamist countries world, India, China, Russia, and MOST of the rest, I'd have little confidence things would get any better.
The fate of the world is controlled by over-brained chimps....

I cannot pretend to understand the calculations that Stoyan Sarg has conducted to come to the conclusion that two coincident nuclear ground based atmospheric detonations would cause, but I can say that the self sustaining vortexes he describes stripping the planet of first the atmosphere and consequently the water are the biggest existential threat which should be taken seriously if it hasn't already.

A single bomb dropped on the US would, of course, not end the US, in fact the response, as you identify would likely be far more devastating for more souls and disruptive to the way the world currently functions.

What I suggest is that we should be prepared to use whatever ways and means we have in order to prevent that first bomb from reaching its target.

I think you worry too much. It isn't an ICBM but an IRBM with a range of a few hundred miles. It could reach Japan's southern coast...

OTR radar was tried at Orfordness in the UK during the 60's and 70's, it was a VLF radar called Cobra Mist. It was so powerful that shipping was banned for12 miles out to sea, the VLF radiation would have killed any sailors who got too close. It a National Trust property now.

Good news

How exactly is this good news??

Yet another reason every country should participate in De-nuclearization. There is strong evidence(a type of vitrified glass left behind that is only created through nuclear reaction) that mars was destroyed by exactly two nuclear blast, which makes this theory much more compelling to me. Also, there is evidence of the anti gravity effect of tornadoes described here, which I know as torsion physics, that is, the way physics changes when objects spin. Please check out Brian de Palma's spinning ball experiments.

Bob, the charge cluster technology is promising, but seems likely to be years from realization.

The article below by former Ambassador Joseph DeThomas, points out that the U.S. accepts nuclear arsenals / deterrence situations with all the other current nuclear powers. If Trump and Kim can cool off, stop threatening each other, a new (obviously uneasy) standoff could be reached. Trump has zero diplomatic skill; we can only hope that Congress and other countries will talk some sense into him.

North Korea 'seems' crazy with their public statements. But many acknowledge that this is a tactic to appear strong and imposing, despite the truth of their desperate economic reality. Their leadership just wants what any other country does: autonomy and longevity. Our regular war games conducted in their vicinity and the past Korean War history, clearly contributes to their monstrous fear and self-preservation-at-any-cost.
