New North Korea Baby Car 2022 Letest Moddle

in kr •  3 years ago 


New baby cars 2022

  1. Human Rights Violations in North Korea

North Korea is currently a society where respect for human rights has yet to exist. Human rights cannot co-exist with absolutism of the Great Leader. Only the Great Leader has absolute human rights; all others are simply his vassals. An individual's fate and human rights belong not to the individual but to the Great Leader. How can the right to oppose the absolutism of the Great Leader exist in a society where the highest moral value is dedicating one's body and soul to the Great Leader? No matter how much the Great Leader and his agents infringe on the people's human rights, it is considered acts of blameless morality. In an advanced country, a president has to answer to the Congress for his sex scandals, but in North Korea, no one can question the Great Leader's behavior or his agents' infringement of human rights.

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