We are Indonesian Happy, Two Korea Peace

in kr •  7 years ago  (edited)



Today is good news for the world community including Indonesia, where South Korea and North Korea have now softened in a peace bandage. Today, 27 April 2018 is a new historical point for the two Koreas.

Kim Jong-un became the first North Korean leader to step on foot in the land of South Korea since the three-year Korean War ended in a ceasefire on 27 July 1953. Arrived at the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) at 9.30am local time, Kim is welcomed by South Korean President Moon Jae-in.

After meeting in the DMZ, the South Korean president was also invited to step on foot in the land of North Korea. Then, they both headed to the Peace House in Panmunjom's "Truce Village" to attend the Inter-Korea Summit or the Korean Summit.

In this meeting, between the Democratic People's Republic of Korea and the Republic of Korea (ROK) reached an agreement known as the "Panmunjeom Declaration for Peace, Prosperity and Unification of the Korean Peninsula".

Here are some points agreed upon by Moon and Kim:

  1. The two Koreas agree declare the Korean War over, which has been delayed since the 1953 truce.
  2. Both Koreas agree to declare denuclearization as a common goal and work together to make the Korean Peninsula nuclear free.
  3. South Korean President Moon Jae-in will visit Pyongyang in the fall.
  4. Both Koreas agree to stop hostile acts on land, sea and air.
  5. Starting May 1st, the two Koreas stop broadcast cross-border propaganda.
  6. The two Koreas have agreed to establish a liaison office in Gaeseong, North Korea.
  7. On August 15, 2018, the two Koreas will begin a separate family reunion since the Korean war erupted.
  8. Both Koreas agree to connect the cross-Korea railway line on the East Coast.
  9. Both Koreas participate in the Asian Games 2018

The result of this deal is a new chapter of peace for the two Koreas and for the world. It should also be an example for others such as Israel and Palestine, Syria, Iraq and others. "Setop bloodshed on earth, we love peace".

With the two Koreans battling, the threats of human life and world war III are increasingly indisputable. We civil society is not preoccupied with war that is not useful, we must live prosper on this earth. War will stop us from progress.

Let's take for example the two Koreas who have recorded history today on the golden peace sheet. We Indonesians are very excited about the peace of our brothers in Asia in East Asia.

World Leader
The two Korean peace is also greeted with joy and joy by world leaders.

  1. China's foreign ministry, Lu Kang: "Today, North and South Korean leaders hold a successful summit".
  2. Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe: "I welcome every positive step forward on the comprehensive resolution of the issues that have been of concern to North Korea".
  3. Indonesian Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi through the official account of @menlu_ri: "Indonesia welcomes the results of this Inter-Korean Summit and hopes to be a strong foundation for lasting peace on the Korean Peninsula and prosperity for people in both countries".
  4. Oman Foreign Ministry: "The Sultanate of Oman welcomes the high-level meeting between North and South Korea."



Kami Indonesia Gembira, Dua Korea Berdamai

Hari ini adalah kabar gembira bagi masyarakat dunia termasuk Indonesia, di mana Korea Selatan dan Korea Utara kini telah melunak dalam satu balutan perdamaian. Hari ini juga, 27 April 2018 merupakan titik sejarah baru bagi dua Korea.

Kim Jong-un menjadi pemimpin Korea Utara pertama yang menginjak kaki di tanah Korea Selatan sejak Perang Korea tiga tahun berakhir dengan gencatan senjata tanggal 27 Juli 1953. Tiba di Garis Demarkasi Militer (Demilitarized Zone, DMZ) sekitar pukul 9.30 waktu setempat atau pukul 7.30 WIB pagi, Kim disambut oleh Presiden Korea Selatan, Moon Jae-in.

Setelah bertemu di DMZ, presiden Korea Selatan juga sempat diajak menginjak kaki di tanah Korea Utara. Lalu, mereka berdua menuju ke Rumah Perdamaian di “Desa Gencatan Senjata” Panmunjom untuk menghadiri Inter-Korea Summit atau Konfersensi Tingkat Tinggi (KTT) Korea.

Dalam pertemuan ini, antara Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) dan Republic of Korea (ROK) mencapai sebuah kesepakatan yang dikenal dengan "Deklarasi Panmunjeom untuk Perdamaian, Kemakmuran dan Unifikasi Semenanjung Korea".

Berikut sejumlah poin yang disepakati Moon dan Kim:

  1. Kedua Korea setuju menyatakan Perang Korea berakhir, yang telah tertunda sejak gencatan senjata 1953.
  2. Kedua Korea setuju untuk menyatakan denuklirisasi sebagai tujuan bersama dan bekerja sama menjadikan Semenanjung Korea bebas nuklir.
  3. Presiden Korea Selatan, Moon Jae-in, akan mengunjungi Pyongyang pada musim gugur nanti.
  4. Kedua Korea bersepakat menghentikan tindakan permusuhan di darat, laut dan udara.
  5. Mulai 1 Mei, kedua Korea berhenti menyiarkan propaganda lintas perbatasan.
  6. Kedua Korea bersepakat membentuk kantor penghubung di Gaeseong, Korea Utara.
  7. Pada 15 Agustus 2018, kedua Korea akan memulai reuni keluarga yang terpisah sejak perang Korea meletus.
  8. Kedua Korea setuju menghubungkan jalur kereta api lintas Korea di Pantai Timur.
  9. Kedua Korea berpartisipasi pada Asian Games 2018.

Hasil dari kesepakatan ini adalah babak baru perdamaian bagi dua Korea dan bagi dunia. Ini juga harus menjadi contoh untuk lainnya seperrti antara Israel dan Palestina, Suriah, Irak dan lainnya. “Setop pertumpahan darah di muka bumi, kami cinta damai”.

Dengan berdamainya dua Korea, ancaman kehidupan manusia dan perang dunia III semakin terbantahkan. Kami masyarakat sipil tidak disibukkan lagi dengan perang yang tidak bermanfaat itu, kami harus hidup makmur di muka bumi ini. Perang akan menghentikan langkah kita untuk mencapai kemajuan.

Mari mencontohkan dua Korea yang pada hari ini telah mencatat sejarah di lembaran emas perdamaian. Kami masyarakat Indonesia sangat gembira atas perdamaian saudara se-Asia di Asia Timur itu.

Pemimpin dunia
Perdamaian dua Korea ini juga disambut sangat gembiri dan sukacita oleh para pemimpin dunia.

  1. Kementerian luar negeri Cina, Lu Kang: “Hari ini, pemimpin Korea Utara dan Selatan menggelar KTT secara sukses”.

  2. Perdana Menteri Jepang, Shinzo Abe: “Saya menyambut baik setiap langkah maju positif atas resolusi komperhensif dari berbagai isu yang telah menjadi keprihatinan Korut”.

  3. Menteri Luar Negeri Indonesia, Retno Marsudi melalui akun resmi @menlu_ri: “Indonesia menyambut baik hasil-hasil KTT Antar-Korea ini dan berharap dapat menjadi landasan kuat bagi perdamaian yang langgeng di Semenanjung Korea dan kesejahteraan bagi rakyat di kedua negara”.


  1. Kementerian Luar Negeri Oman: “Kesultanan Oman menyambut baik pertemuan tingkat tinggi antara Korut dan Korsel yang tengah berlangsung."
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Wow! What a great news. This is indeed a while new chapter for both Koreans. I am highly elated by this historic event.

I wonder why other world leaders are not sending message of congratulations. Do they rather with the world engage in destructive Military confrontations with one another.

Thanks for sharing this news. Resteemed

@eurogee of @euronation community

We continue to write on any site for world leaders to be tapped to a nursery in all countries of the world. This peace is longed for by all kinds of people including peace in the Middle East and Africa.

This is good news. I'm so excited to see this. I never knew the war had spanned that long, since 1953? This is awesome I must say.
Big congratulations to North & South Korea.
Thanks for sharing,

All will be happy about this news. yes it is true since 1953 they were stun guns but not yet peaceful. I was touched by the meeting of the two Korean leaders.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Dialogue is always the best, let the world shun violence for peaceful atmosphere to dwell, because violence begets violence. Peace is what the world need not age long dispute. I am happy for both leaders. For now, peace will return to both territories.

really sir. I am really touched to see this peace in Korea.

great news . thanks for @mushthafakamal

Thanks sir @kickup008


damai itu indah mustafa kamal, he he he

Benar sekali. Aceh saja telah damai hampir 13 tahun betapa indahnya

nye bang, dum ho mangat tajak nye ka damai