블록체인 생태계 지도(The BlockChain Ecosystem Map) V1.0
ICO 마케팅 전문 사이트 ICO RANK를 서비스하는 AD4th팀 입니다.
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ICO rank - http://www.icorank.co.kr/
AD4th - http://ad4th.com/
한국 블록체인 생태계 관련 업체 리스트 모두 보기
The BlockChain Ecosystem Map V1.0
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- 블록체인 영상 미디어 : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC70aaNLIi5Er-ZmKBPL2-Xw
- ICO 마케팅 정보 : http://www.icorank.co.kr/ | https://blog.naver.com/icorank
- ICO 백서 분석 모임 : https://www.facebook.com/groups/133084710846277/
- 토큰 이코노미 분석 모임 : https://www.facebook.com/groups/1000994206717056/
*블록체인.. 이제는 시작하자! - http://www.evernote.com/l/APl71hPPeO9Pb4N8IUvFPG7ARsIn14j1HZo/
mining pool - 채굴
company site 비고
AntPool www.antpool.com
BTC.com https://btc.com/
ViaBTC https://pool.viabtc.com/
Slushpool https://slushpool.com/
BTC.TOP http://btc.top/
ethpool https://www.ethpool.org/
ethermine https://www.ethermine.org/
f2pool https://www.f2pool.com/
dwarfpool https://dwarfpool.com/
mining pool hub https://miningpoolhub.com/
Bitfury http://bitfury.com/
Genesis Miining https://www.genesis-mining.com/
- wallet - 지갑
enjin wallet https://enjinwallet.io
exodus https://www.exodus.io/
trust wallet https://trustwalletapp.com/
citowise https://citowise.com/
ledger wallet https://www.ledgerwallet.com/r/81c0
electrum wallet https://electrum.org/
airbitz bitcoin wallet https://airbitz.co/
myetherwallet https://www.myetherwallet.com/
bitx wallet https://bitx.co/
mycelium wallet https://wallet.mycelium.com/
blockchain wallet https://blockchain.info/ko/wallet/#/
trezor wallet https://www.buytrezor.com/
bread wallet https://breadapp.com/
bitpanda https://www.bitpanda.com
coinomi https://coinomi.com/
- market - 거래소
bithumb (빗썸) https://www.bithumb.com/
upbit (업비트) https://upbit.com/
coinone (코인원) https://coinone.co.kr/
cobit (코빗) https://www.korbit.co.kr/
gopax (고팍스) https://www.gopax.co.kr/
coinnest (코인네스트) https://www.coinnest.co.kr/
bittrex (비트트렉스) https://bittrex.com/
liqui (리퀴) https://liqui.io/
kraken (크라켄) https://www.kraken.com/
bitstamp (비트스탬프) https://www.bitstamp.net/
poloniex (폴로넥스) https://poloniex.com/
gemini (제미니) https://gemini.com/
binance (바이낸스) https://www.binance.com/
coincheck (코인체크) https://coincheck.com/
gdax (지댁스) https://www.gdax.com/
bitmex (비트멕스) https://www.bitmex.com/
bitfinex (비트파이넥스) https://www.bitfinex.com/
coin - 코인
tether https://tether.to/
nubits https://nubits.com/
steemdollar https://steem.io/
ripple https://ripple.com/
stellar https://www.stellar.org/
litecoin https://litecoin.com/
rayblocks https://raiblocks.net/
bitcoin https://bitcoin.org/ko/
bitcoin cash https://www.bitcoincash.org/
bitcoin glod https://bitcoingold.org/
bytecoin https://bytecoin.org/
dash https://www.dash.org/
Zcash https://z.cash/
monero https://getmonero.org/
nano https://nano.org/en
komodo https://komodoplatform.com/
cardano https://www.cardano.org/
ICON https://www.icon.foundation
NEM http://nem.io/
ethererum https://www.ethereum.org/
NEO https://neo.org/
EOS https://eos.io/
ethererum classic https://ethereumclassic.github.io/
TRON https://tron.network
lisk https://lisk.io/
siacoin https://sia.tech/
decred https://www.decred.org/
bytom http://bytom.io/
ardor https://www.ardorplatform.org/
ark http://ark.io/
augur http://www.augur.net/
digixDAO https://digix.io/
electroneum https://electroneum.com/
0x https://0xproject.com/
binance coin https://bitcoingold.org/
status https://status.im/
maker https://makerdao.com/
omiseGO https://omisego.network/
populous http://populous.co/
aeternity https://www.aeternity.com/
IOTA https://iota.org/
waltonchain http://www.waltonchain.org/index.html
basic attention token https://basicattentiontoken.org/
stratis http://stratisplatform.com/
Rchain https://www.rchain.coop/
zilliqa https://www.zilliqa.com/
vechain https://www.vechain.org/
Qtum https://qtum.org/
verge https://vergecurrency.com/
byteball bytes https://byteball.org/
waves https://wavesplatform.com/
veriraseum https://veritas.veritaseum.com/
steem https://steem.io/
bitshares https://bitshares.org/
akasha https://akasha.world/
medibloc https://medibloc.org/en/
dogecoin http://dogecoin.com/
BOScoin https://boscoin.io/
- media & community - 미디어 & 커뮤니티
피넥터 finector http://finector.com/
코인힐즈 coinhills https://www.coinhills.com/ko/
코인타임 cointime http://kr.cointime.com/
데일리토큰 dailytoken http://dailytoken.kr/
디센터 decenter http://www.decenter.kr/
bitweb (비트웹) http://www.bitweb.co.kr/
ICO코리아 ico korea http://icokorea.org/
비트데이즈 bitdays http://bitdays.co.kr/
블록인프레스 https://blockinpress.com/
블록체인인포 www.blockchain.info
코인사이트 coin sight https://www.facebook.com/COINsight.kr
체인톡 chaintalk http://www.chaintalk.io/
땡글 ddengle https://www.ddengle.com/
코인톡 cointalk http://cointalk.co.kr/
코인판 coinpan https://coinpan.com/
빗맨 bitman http://cafe.naver.com/nexontv/235517
디씨인사이드 dcinside http://www.dcinside.com/
호재박스 https://hozaebox.com/
토큰포스트 https://tokenpost.kr/
코인데스크 https://www.coindesk.com/
더포스웨이브 https://www.the4thwave.co.kr
포브스 forbes https://www.forbes.com/
코인텔레그래프 https://cointelegraph.com/
블록체인세상(불새) https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC70aaNLIi5Er-ZmKBPL2-Xw
블록체이너스 https://steemit.com/@theblockchainers
네트워킹 & 교육이벤트
Decenter university http://decenteruniv.com/
비트코인센터 bitcoin center https://www.facebook.com/bitcoincenterkorea
DNEXT CAMPUS https://campus.dnext.co/
온오프믹스 https://onoffmix.com/
블록체인인스티튜트 https://blockchaininstitute.io/
blockchain institute https://blockchain.institute/
blockchain studies http://www.blockchainstudies.org/
클래스센트럴 https://www.class-central.com/tag/blockchain
ICO 백서분석모임 (AD4th) https://www.facebook.com/groups/133084710846277/
토큰이코노미 분석 그룹 https://www.facebook.com/groups/1000994206717056/
크립토펀드 & 엑셀러레이터
해시드 hashed https://www.facebook.com/hashedfund/
파운데이션엑스 foundationX https://www.facebook.com/FoundationX-1283590048451988/
체인파트너스 chainpartners http://www.chain.partners
BRP blockchain Revolution Partners https://www.facebook.com/BlockChain-Revolution-Partners-673280302858522
blockchain capital http://blockchain.capital/
pantera https://www.panteracapital.com/
cryptocrunch https://cryptocrunch.com/
martin ventures https://www.martinventures.com/
fenbushi capital http://www.fenbushi.vc/
verizon ventures www.verizonventures.com/
NAB ventures https://www.nab.com.au/sites/business/customer/ventures
분석 & 평가
와이즈레이팅스 https://weisscryptocurrencyratings.com/
크립토컴페어 https://www.cryptocompare.com/
Top10 crypto trading sites https://www.top10cryptocurrencybrokers.com
tradingview https://www.tradingview.com/ideas/cryptocurrency/
coincheckup https://coincheckup.com/
walletinvestor https://walletinvestor.com/
deloitte (딜로이트) https://www2.deloitte.com/us/en/pages/financial-services/articles/im-firms-getting-started-blockchain.html
ICO Ratings https://icorating.com/
ICO Bench https://icobench.com/icos/cryptocurrency
ICO rank http://www.icorank.co.kr/
넥스트 ICO https://www.nextico.co.kr/
토큰뱅크 tokenbank https://tokenbank.co.kr/
tokenmarket https://tokenmarket.net/ico-calendar
IOCcountdown http://www.icocountdown.com/
smith+crown https://www.smithandcrown.com/icos/
ICOtracker https://icotracker.net/
tokentops https://tokentops.com/rating/
마케팅 및 컨설팅 marketing & consulting - 가상화폐공개(ICO) 기업의 마케팅을 지원
애드포스 AD4th http://ad4th.com/
넥스트블럭 nextblock https://www.nextico.co.kr/
블랙몬 blockmon http://blockmon.io/
더크립토 http://www.theprocryptogroup.com/
newalchemy https://newalchemy.io
AmaZix https://www.amazix.com/
ICO BOX https://icobox.io
Crynet https://crynet.io/
Ambisafe https://www.ambisafe.co/
FoxTail Marketing https://foxtailmarketing.com
ELEMENT https://elementgroup.com/
Priority Token https://ptoken.io/
7MARKETZ https://7marketz.com/
MLG blockchain Consulting https://mlgblockchain.com/
Sparkchain https://www.sparkchain.com/
http://www.icorank.co.kr/ 기대되는 서비스 입니다. 고생하셨겠습니다.
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