Kratom and its strains:

in kratom •  4 years ago  (edited)


Kratom is a tree native to Southeast Asia. Its Latin name is "mitragyna speciosa", and it has long been used in the USA, where its leaves are chewed. There, kratom serves as an alternative to opium. This tree belongs to the coffee family and is avidly grown in tropical climates, especially in Southeast Asian regions. The leaves, or extracts from the leaves, have been used as a stimulant and a sedative. It’s also been reported for treating chronic pain, digestive ailments, and anxiety. To know about the best kratom for pain Click here

Kratom strains:

Different types of kratom are called strains. Most kratom strains take their names from their places of origin. Different kratom strains have slightly different effects. Different kratom strains have various effects. In this article, we are going to discuss various strains of kratom. If you want to know each kratom strain briefly visit the given link. This link contains kratom strains with various effects. This link contains a detail discussion on various kratom strains with their unique effects. The various kratom strains are listed as following:
  • Maeng Da.
  • Indo.
  • Bali/red vein.
  • Green Malay.
  • Thai.
  • Borneo.
  • Malaysian.

Maeng Da:

Maeng da refers to various types of strong and long-lasting kratom. Maeng da originated in Thailand, but Indonesian and Malaysian maeng da strains are also available. Maeng da can be green, red, or white in color.

It acts as a stimulant, increasing energy while also inducing feelings of well-being and reducing pain. Some people report feeling talkative after taking maeng da.
Red and Green Maeng da considered the best kratom for Anxiety and depression.


Indo kratom comes from Indonesia. Indo kratom is considered to be less stimulating than other strains, though some types may have mild energizing effects.
In general, Indo strains are known for increasing relaxation, relieving pain, and promoting feelings of well-being. They are thought to help with anxiety.
Indo kratom can be green, red, or white which is named by its colors as.

  • Green Indo kratom.
  • Red Indo kratom.
  • White kratom.

Red Bali kratom:

Bali kratom originates in Indonesia. It’s reddish and believed to provide effective pain relief.
Users say it’s the most “opioid-like” of all the kratom strains. It may help relieve pain-related conditions, such as depression or chronic pain.

Green Malay:

Green Malay kratom comes from Malaysia. It’s dark green.
At low doses, it provides energy and focuses along with pain relief. At high doses, it may have more of a sedative effect.

It is one of the best kratoms that helps with anxiety. Its users are well satisfied with this kratom and prefer it for anxiety and depression.


Thai kratom comes from Thailand. Red, green, and white vein Thai kratom is available, and the effects may vary according to color.
Green and white vein strains are said to provide stimulation and create a euphoric “high.”

Red vein Thai kratom is said to provide pain relief and Relaxation.


Borneo kratom comes from Borneo. It comes in red, green, and white vein varieties.
Compared to other strains, Borneo kratom is considered to have a more sedating effect. It may be used to treat anxiety and stress. It is an effective kratom for chronic pain.


Malaysian strains, including green, red, and white vein kratom varieties, are said to provide a balance between stimulating and sedative effects.
Users report mood lifts, pain relief, and increased energy and focus.

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