in kratos •  8 years ago 


We have been waiting... and waiting... and waiting...

Since that long ago E3 trailer of the new GOD OF WAR. We have been clammering at every bit of internet click bait for some heads up on the release date.
I pre-ordered this March last year. I am definitely ready to go. But when?

We have had the name of Kratos son released: Atreus

We have seen and heard just about everything else from Barlog and his mighty crew about when and where this is coming out.
Now we have been given a time frame :( Q1 2018!!!

Still no official release date, but at least we have the trailer from Sony Entertainment to keep us going for now. See link below from YouTube:

So for now we can keep replaying the trailer over and over again, until we have Kratos on our screens at home once again, probably March :( taking on the Legends of Norse Mythology.

Enjoy the trailer!

Release date info from Wikipedia and other similar sources

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