in krishna •  7 years ago 

Disappearance of Srila Prabhupada...


Devotee has commented:
He appealed to his killers let me go. You do what your agenda is and allow me this appeal. They denied him that wish leaving me ferious . Just saying I hate trying to navigate through all this but love the dependency gained in my inabilities to know any better. Hope that makes sense to most

My reply:
In a sense they are still killing him. Changing his books, offending his sincere followers etc. What it is the materially motivated do not like and fear is the devotional energy which is ultimately spontaneous and springs from the heart of the surrendered soul. This is what Srila Prabhupada and all the saints and acharyas are giving. The access to pure devotional service. This is what the materially motivated souls fear, hate and try to stop. It is not new. It is a very old story. Through association of those who are actually cultivating pure devotion we remain strong.

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Even by looking at Prabhupada's picture, you feel that beautiful spiritual potency. I was lucky enough to find an old edition of the Bhagavad-Gita: As It Is in a used bookshop almost 10 years ago. It was printed before things were changed, and it's very precious to me. Prabhupada's gift to the world was bringing the Maha Mantra to everyone, and that can't be corrupted.

When a pure devotee appears everyone flourishes by his potency. When he disappears even just maintaining becomes almost impossible. The appearance of an empowered soul is so valuable. If we are fortunate we will come into contact with advanced followers. They are rare but they do exist. They don't necessarily look like we think they should look or they may not be placed in society in high positions. Ultimately the message is a spiritual message. In the mean time keep reading and chanting.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

jay shree KRISHNA