in krishna •  7 years ago 

letter to a dear friend:
Dear ______ prabhu,


Hope everyone is well and staying at least somewhat peaceful amidst this turbulent ocean of material time and tides.
I am grateful for our friendship. Thank you for letting me try to share my journey and sharing your journey with me as well.
As you know I have been hearing from ___________. But as I suspected would happen, as it always does when I hear from someone, it has reached a point where I have to let it go. I have gained immensely by his association. Have learned a lot of valuable lessons but it has become clear to me it is time to move on.

So I am waiting for the next person that Krishna puts in my path for the next lessons. Now that I understand how this is working I can remain very, very blissful. Srila Prabhupada has provided the safety net, the fabric and is always there to catch us when we stumble a bit learning how to walk in spiritual life.
I seem to go from one person to another. Hang on to them for a little while until I can't hang on anymore there is some exchange between us and then we part. It is like going from one "affair" to another. Or is it like a bee going from one flower to another looking for the nectar? When the nectar is taken leaving that flower for another. Krishna is described like that. His habit. If I am trying to serve Krishna is this Him showing Himself in this way?


This was what appealed to me so much in book distribution. Going from one person to another. All day. Every day for years. Hundreds of people. Some with nectar and some not.

Ha Ha. The child Lord would steal the yogurt and butter. Give it to the monkeys and when they were full up and couldn't eat anymore He would chide. Just see your butter and yogurt isn't any good, even the monkeys won't eat it.


So I am in-between "affairs." I have no doubt there will be another flower. I know now a little better what flowers to look for. The ones dripping with nectar to try to satisfy the hungry Lord. To see who has butter and yogurt.

A little cryptic. But sometimes it is not possible to express something without a kind of poetry or "flowery" prose.

Ha Ha. Perhaps you can relate, my dear "flower lady" friend.

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i respact your religon from my heart. i listen so many time this word krishna. i think its your religon related. any way the pictures are really nice, like your writing.

One more valuable writing @jiva34...
Krishna had a spiritual power...

thanks for sharing.@jiva34

Good post @jiva34

a good post @jiva about what you share

See what you did, now ava66 has heard that "word krishna".
Say it again, I dare you...