RE: 部署 k8s Cluster(下) — Kubernetes(6)

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部署 k8s Cluster(下) — Kubernetes(6)

in kubernetes •  7 years ago 

我下的kubernetes是1.8.6,试了很多次,都未能解决这个问题。只要执行kubectl准会输出:The connection to the server localhost:8080 was refused - did you specify the right host or port?。有点忧伤

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亲测v1.8.5,部署完后三节点状态都是ready,但kubectl get pods --all-namespaces现实kube-dns状态停留在 ContainerCreating,journalctl -u kubelet | grep kube-dns看到“ Error deleting network: failed to find plugin "portmap" in path [/opt/flannel/bin /opt/cni/bin]”,解决办法到下载portmap并放到/opt/cni/bin,加上可执行权限。。。。。。。大坑啊


或者disable portmap。具体看这个解决办法

用下面这个版本安装 flannel
