Explaining Banking Scam

in kwame •  7 years ago 

For those of u scratching ur heads saying ‘what u talking about’, it’s this simple. U R a Slave and has always been‼️🗣
U still don’t get it❓🆗. U R a free range Slave that is free to labor for my worthless printed paper to trade for products that I make u make and pay for homes,products u don’t need to live a manufactured lifestyle that I make u believe u need to have. Circle Complete. U R free to say u r free but, never free enough to challenge me on any level. Financially, Economically, Politically, Educationally, Socially even spiritually, for even your spirituality is controlled and managed. U R what u have always been. A Slave‼️🗣🦎
Dam: U missed it again! The Slave works not just to keep his masters power over them but, also to forge their bonds of SLAVERY even much more STRONGLY. And not only are you happily doing so but, u r PROUD of your STATUS. Why should massa not keep their SLAVES‼️🗣🦎
Dam y’all so slow: again at 10% fractional reserve retention, your $100 bank deposit and subsequent loans became a $450 pool that banks created to lend on. This is not rocket science, it is just hidden in plain sight and is definitely Never Ever Taught in public schools those same elites controls. Again, through this system u r their slaves. Whatever you earn goes right back to them so they can oppress you even more. Consider this was just $100, consider millions and billions and trillions. Get the point yet. Time to Wake Up‼️🗣🦎

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