In simple words, Lab grown diamonds are diamonds that were created in a laboratory unlike their counterparts, natural diamonds which were found on Earth’s surface. The very fact that lab grown diamonds are man-made does not make them any less of a diamond. They are created using a small diamond seed under temperature and pressure conditions that are similar to when natural diamonds are formed.
Creating a lab grown diamondsare a faster process wherein it takes roughly three to four days to create them as compared to natural diamonds that take millions of years to form. Their characteristics (apart from their origin) is the same as in natural diamonds. In fact, it takes highly advanced technological assistance to differentiate between a natural and lab grown diamond. Even the most experienced gemologists have failed to differentiate between the two until examined under machines devised to do so. Lab grown diamonds are created using two methods- the HPHT method (High Pressure High Temperature) and the CVD method (Chemical Vapor Deposition)