Lactase Market Set for 4.6% CAGR Explosive Growth to 2023

in lactase •  7 years ago 

The worldwide market for Lactase is expected to grow at a CAGR of roughly 4.6% over the next five years, will reach 1080 million US$ in 2023, from 830 million US$ in 2017, according to a new study. With 70% of the world’s population unable to tolerate lactose, it's hardly surprising that the trend towards healthier food has brought a growing demand for lactose-free dairy products.

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Report Covers Market Segment by Manufacturers:
Hansen Holding
Amano Enzyme
Enzyme Development

Lactase is an enzyme capable of hydrolyzing lactose into glucose and galactose. Lactase is commonly used to catalyze the hydrolysis of lactose in the food industry for making lactose reduced/free products e.g. milk, yogurt, cream and ice cream.

Complete report on Lactase Industry report spread across 129 pages, profiling 21 companies and supported with tables and figures available @ .

Market Segment by Type, covers:
Neutral Lactase
Acid Lactase

Market Segment by Applications, can be divided into:
Food Industry
Pharmaceutical Industry

Lactase Market Report focuses on the Lactase in global market, especially in North America, Europe and Asia-Pacific, South America, Middle East and Africa. This report categorizes the market based on manufacturers, regions, type and application.

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The main contents of the report including:

Section 1: Product definition, type and application, global and India market overview;

Section 2: Global and India Market competition by company;

Section 3: Global and India sales revenue, volume and price by type;

Section 4: Global and India sales revenue, volume and price by application;

Section 5: India export and import;

Section 6: Company information, business overview, sales data and product specifications;

Section 7: Industry chain and raw materials;

Section 8: SWOT and Porter's Five Forces;

Section 9: Conclusion.

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