Where Have The Ladybugs Gone?

in ladybug •  8 years ago  (edited)


My wife and I were sitting on our porch enjoying a quiet evening. At one point she asked me, “Where have the Ladybugs gone?” As I thought about it, I realized she was right! I hadn't seen one since growing up in the 1980’s. Over the past several years, all I have seen are those nasty looking Asian beetles. These aggressive pests are constantly trying to get inside the warm house. It wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't for the fact that they swarm by the thousands a couple times of year.


So where are the ladybugs? I decided to answer this question as I felt concern for the plight of this celebrated bug. I did a search on the Internet and discovered some interesting facts. There are over 4,500 ladybug species spread over the world. They kill several different kinds of bugs that eat our food crops. In a ladybugs life time, it is possible that they eat over 5,000 plant eating bugs.


I then discovered that the ladybug is endangered and very few are still alive. Scientists do not know why this is happening. It is worth noting that the Asian beetle has been imported then released into North America several times since 1916. This was done to help naturally control pest populations that were damaging food crops. Now they are out of control. Is it just a coincidence that as their population has grown, the native ladybug started to die off? Here is what wikipedia showed as an image for the Asian Beetle.


There are organizations that are trying to save the bug such as the “Lost Ladybug Project”. They need donations! I haven't made up my mind yet to send a cash donation. So for now, until the ladybug is rescued, I will keep her in my prayers. –The Journey Report


Sources: http://www.mnn.com/your-home/organic-farming-gardening/stories/you-can-help-save-ladybugs
Images: Wikipedia common, Christian Musat/Shutterstock and my own photos.

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I know where they all are, in my friend's flat, up in the corner of his sitting room ceiling. Thousands hibernate there in the winter! It's happened several times :) In truth it hasn't happened for the last few years and it's sad to think that may be because they are really struggling.

Are you sure they are Ladybugs or are they Asian Beetles? I would be surprised if they were (at least in the USA)

this is the uk

ahh.. ok.