How Freshwater Lake turned into Saltwater - Nature Wonders

in lake •  7 years ago 

On fine morning of November 20, 1980, a fresh water lake turned into very deep saltwater lake. Perhaps it happened due to some miscalculation made by drilling engineers.


Lake Peigneur is located near the Gulf of Mexico in Louisiana, was once a freshwater lake and was popular for fishing and recreation.

An American petroleum company , Texaco was drilling in Lake Peigneur, in search of oil roughly 1,400 feet below the water’s surface. During drilling, their 14- inch drill bit went a bit sideways and touched the sealing of a Salt Mine which was under lake and thus it created hole in its sealing which resulted the lake’s water gushing right into the mine’s ceiling.

As a result, an entire lake having about 2.5 billion gallons of water converted into salt water. Pillars of Diamond Crystal salt mine collapsed and all the drilling equipment including oil rigs sank.

Luckily there were no causalities in this incident.Texaco had to pay damages of $32 million and $12.8 million to Diamond Crystal and Live Oak Gardens respectively.

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image: source

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wow its look so beautiful and sad to know this lake has been salty lake its happening because of carelessness ... we destroying our nature by own self

good pic

Good pic:)

interesting and also sad, things are fragile

Wow, that can happen? I didn't even think about that. Ooops. @ironshield

@munawar1235, there's really a tiny space between life and death; peace and war; nature and disaster..etc. There are little things that if changed on the ar we breath, we all die. Thats why man must be careful in dealing with the environment because all our actions have consequences.

Just a little salt water and the density of the water changes considerably to warrant sinking of ships and equipments. thank God they are alve to tell the story.