For first time in History, America Establishes a Permanent Military Base in Israel

in lamblikebeast •  7 years ago 

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"For the first time in history, the United States on Monday established an official, permanent military base in Israel: an air defense base in the heart of the Negev desert. Dozens of US Air Force soldiers will call home the new base, located inside the Israeli Air Force's Mashabim Air Base ... It's nothing short of historic ... The 'base within a base' will be run by the US military's European Command (EUCOM)."

America has over 800 military bases all over the world, and this is all part of the plan, so that America can fulfill it's role as the 'earth beast' of Revelation 13, where Revelation confirms that America will 'cause all the world' to worship (give allegiance to) the first beast (Papal Rome) and it's image (church-state in America). Not only that, many Christians and leaders have this false idea of God's kingdom. They are so focused on literal Israel, believing that Christ is going to set up His kingdom, which He received from His Father in literal Israel. And they completely fail to understand the true and important spiritual nature of God's kingdom, just like the Jews of old did.

Once again, Satan has deceived God's professed people into focusing on self and this world, rather than on what Christ is doing for us in the most holy place in the heavenly sanctuary, and what Christ can do IN US through His Spirit.

The kingdom of God does not start when Jesus returns and it will not be set up in literal Israel. The kingdom of God started 2000 years ago with the life, death and resurrection of the Son of God. Jesus confirmed Himself in Luke 17:21, the kingdom of God does not come with observation, as the kingdom of God is WITHIN US. It is a spiritual kingdom that dwells in each of His people, as we are now the 'temple of God' (1 Corinthians 3:16). A literal temple and literal land has little meaning now, as the kingdom is all about the LIFE OF CHRIST dwelling in His people and cleansing us from sin. THIS is the 'mystery' that was hidden in ages past - CHRIST IN YOU, THE HOPE OF GLORY (Colossians 1:27). Are you allowing Christ to dwell in you and live His life in you?

But prophecy needs to be fulfilled, and America will fulfill it's role as the earth beast, who causes the whole world to take the mark of the Papal beast. See also our page on who is true Israel today to see the truth about Israel.

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