Here is another snippet of my convo with Seth Estrada. We were all over the place and that's the point of this segment of TC2C: Conversations With... There are no framing questions. I don't do price talk n NO SHILLIN. The point is the let the convo just go where it does. It's crazy what you learn about people when you come to the table with that perspective.
I don't do trendy and there no #lambos over here. Sorry, NOT sorry lol.
Check out the full EP @anchor.fm/trekk
#TrekkenCryptos2Connect #trekkencryptos #hiimtrekk #imnottready #bmorepodcastor #realtalkcryptolife #realtalkrealthought #cryptobrandawareness #Cryptopodcast #morethanjustcrypto #anchorpodcastor #nolamboshere #nochilkinzone #miningcryptos #cryptomining #pigeonhole #realconvo #share2steem #itunespodcast #iTunes #spotfiypodcast #imthere
