Should land be owned or occupied?

in land •  7 years ago  (edited)


Land should never be owned or bought, unless you are the creator of the the land (Planet) which no one can claim to be as the Earth was here way before we arrived. Therefore no one actually has the right to claim any land, but only to occupy it. For example as we all share this world with one another including all species of animals, each being that is born has the right to use part of the Earth to live. However this privilege should not be exploited. For instance people should only use land if they are occupying it in the present time, and should not be allowed to buy numerous lots of land for financial gain. 

Maybe people should come to a mutual agreement on a limit of land that each person can posses. As our current way of trading land makes it very hard and unfair for the less fortunate people who are left with land that is not being used but is “owned” by greedy individuals who charges ridiculous price on something that should never be sold, as nature has offered this land for free to us so the idea of selling something that you don’t own is immoral and idiotic. 

More over this idea of selling land is the same as selling children, or even animals. As we have no ownership over these things as we have not created them, the only being that can sell any aspect of this planet is the creator it self. You may have your beliefs regarding who created this planet or how this planet came to be, but the one thing we know for sure is that none of us have constructed this beautiful thing we call Earth. So no one has the right to buy or sell anything that they haven’t created.

Humans and animals co-exists on this planet which means that we are equally entitled to the resources that are provided by mother nature. So if animals do not have the ability to buy land then we should not have the right either. This means that the only answer to true equality is to ensure that every sentient being on this planet has an equal chance to occupy land depending on who arrived there first. This means that unless there are more people on this planet then there is land available, humans and animal should always have a free opportunity to occupy a section of land.

Needs have to be considered as well, as there may be situations where there isn’t enough land. In this scenario we can use a bus to symbolise the land, and imagine the bus being full. Would you give up your seat for someone who is less fortunate such as an elderly or disabled person? Well as a society we agree to leave seats available or are always wiling to give up your seat for someone less fortunate. Therefore we should use this same principle for occupying land.  

This same idea also applies to countries who “CLAIM” to own an extremely large amount of land, which is epitome of greed, and is the worst thing that someone can do to this planet. Consequently has resulted in the worst things to occur like division, war and racism. All because of greed and lack of awareness that we are not the only beings that live and occupy this world so we do not have the right to abuse it, if this was not the case and we were in fact allowed to do whatever we wanted then only humans would live on this planet but the reality is that we deeply rely on animals for the world to function. 

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Wow, I am touched! Thank you for making my day! I hope you get well soon. The flu sucks. 1 C here and snow that turned to rain.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Thank you for the comment, I am very glad that this subject touched you, I do feel very strongly about this topic.