Before the dawn of motor vehicles, people rode horses. The horse was more than just a means of transport. The creature was also a travel companion. So every person’s horse had a name. At least I assume so.
My trusty 80 series Landcruiser (4.5l petrol) being my current modern day overland travel companion, I named this horse DICEROS. What’s in the name you may wonder, well DICEROS is the scientific name for a Rhino. Considering the legendary strength of the 80 series and our (my wife & I) love for Rhinos it was a fitting name I figured.
Within budget, I needed a tough, reliable, easy to maintain tourer, which I could start as a “blank canvas” and build it to the touring requirements of my wife and me.
Back in Africa I had a 1988 Toyota Hilux, which gave us 400,000 trouble free kilometres, and this made me a Toyota fan. So when I found the 80 series it was the ideal match.
I will be doing separate posts on the vehicle build, why I went petrol (instead of diesel) and how I have kitted it out to suit our requirements.
Live life to the fullest, it's too short to procrastinate!
Duncan Udawatta