LangNet Weekly Roundup — June 15, 2018

in langnet •  7 years ago 

LangNet Weekly Roundup — June 15, 2018

News and updates from the LangNet Team and Community

We’ve been heads down on product, rolling out an improved referral system and structured Voice Data Campaigns. Next up is a World Cup-themed campaign, stay tuned!

Introducing Voice Data Campaigns 📣

This week, we launched four voice data campaigns, starting with Lights, Camera, Action 🎬 in which users record timeless movie quotes in their own voice. 2x bonuses for each completed campaign. Campaigns are running until June 20th, so get in now!

Korean FB Group 👍

This week we launched the LangNet Korea Facebook Group. Growing communities for a diverse range of languages is crucial to achieve LangNet’s goal of mining voice data in 50 languages. We will soon launch community groups for other languages very soon.

LangNet in Echelon TOP 100 Startups in Asia 😎

We are honored to announce that Echelon has selected LangNet as one of the TOP 100 startups in Asia. LangNet will be going head to head against Asia’s finest at the end of this month in Singapore. Come and say hi 👋

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