LangNet Weekly Roundup — May 25, 2018
News and Updates from the LangNet Team and Community
With the end of May now upon us, we are concentrating our efforts on strengthening our core services (token dashboard, data crowdsourcing bot, mobile app) and building community (bounty campaigns, growing presence) ahead of the pre-sale.
LangNet Bot 2.0 is LIVE 🤖️
The new and improved LangNet Bot is here!
New features include:
- Navigation buttons ✅
- Simplified onboarding and instructions 🚀
- More emojis 🎙💡
- Easier to connect to the token dashboard 🔗
Contribute your voice and keep earning LANG tokens! 💰
Click here to try the 🤖 now!
Translation & Bug Bounty Campaigns LIVE ✏️ 🐞
We have begun the translation and bug bounty campaigns!
To help us translate LangNet content into your language, click here.
We began the bug bounty campaign to invite members of our community to be more involved in our development process.
Click here to to submit your feedback on the token dashboard, LangNet Bot, and everything we are working on.
Check out the LangNet Project Roadmap to see what we are working on and our development pipeline.

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