
in laptops •  4 years ago 

Banned for saying Greg on Facebook.

Apple banned Mike Adams because you can't talk against Satanism. The CANADA ADD ME AS FRIEND Facebook group does NOT promote DIVERSITY but instead MONO-CULTURALISM. Lisa Berry PROMOTES MONO-CULTURALISM. SCIENTISTS get to OBSERVE under a microscope the LIVING EXPRESSION of our Creator. Molecules form MEMORIES which are imprinted into patterns like SNOWFLAKES, they're called Morphic Fields. Banned for saying Greg on Facebook. Netflix CEO Marc Randolf is the great nephew of Freud's grandson, they're all ten times worse than Hair-Sniffing Biden.


NASA was being formed especially through the 1940s, some of the members from Germany hint hint, please don't suspend me Facebook. They're trying to ban CARBON. What is CARBON? Trees are CARBON. Cute puppies and kittens are CARBON. People are CARBON. The pessimist 🙃 sees difficulty in every opportunity. The optimist 🙂 sees opportunity in every difficulty.

If you do NOT wear a mask, they WILL ban you from this Canada group:

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Oatmeal Daily - 2021-04-23 - Friday | Published in April of 2021

Save America Rally Saturday bdebcaa28424850f.jpeg

Save America Rally Saturday

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

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All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted.

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Backup Friday
2021-04-23 - Friday - 07:39 PM - My Laptop Log

Schneider Electric APC Back-UPS 450
Model: BN450M
Input: 120V~, 6A, 50/60Hz, and 10 or 1O or 1 something.
Battery backup outlets: 120V~, 3.8A, 50/60Hz, 450VA, 255W, 1 something
Total outlet current: 6A, /cc s(or not s) 1kA
Serial number: 9B1942A34108
Made in China
Hard to replace battery buyers said

Office Supply

SSD hard drives

10:42 PM

MLC and SLC: Multi-Level Cell memory is cheaper and slower, generally found on consumer-grade SSD drives. Single-Level Cell memory in enterprise and enthusiast-grade SSDs is faster and technically less prone to data loss.


Among six brands of SSDs tested, only the Kingston, Samsung, and Corsair high-end drives managed to survive after writing over 1000 terabytes of data (one petabyte). The other drives failed at between 700 and 900 TBW. Two of the failed drives, Samsung and Intel, used the cheaper MLC standard.

250GB SSD can be expected to die sometime before one petabyte written—though two (or perhaps three) of the models exceeded that mark, it would be wise to plan a contingency in case your specific drive under-performs, even if it uses more expensive SLC memory.

Chat with me on Facebook

Here are some of my Facebook posts, comments, etc

01:40 AM
The CANADA ADD ME AS FRIEND Facebook group does NOT promote DIVERSITY but instead MONO-CULTURALISM.

11:28 AM
The admin of the Canada group spied on me, found out I liked freedom and banned me because she was afraid people would think that she believed in freedom too and she could not have that.

That would be very bad.

Because freedom is very bad.

Is Qanon retarded?

11:40 AM - Facebook

Ryan Forrest, there are many different posts from different people. Some may be Q and some may be anons. Some may be idiots. Some may be working for the CIA, FBI, etc. Some may be trolls. Some may be genuinely trying to find and pass on truth. And see, some people can be genuine and yet genuinely wrong. I watch different videos, mostly on Bitchute and sometimes on Brighteon, Rumble, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, etc, and I am open-minded to what they say. But I am aware of how some things may not happen or did not happen. To believe every single thing you hear would mean not to have critical thinking, common sense, etc. So, I agree, too many people fail to analyze, cross-reference, reflect, contemplate, scrutinize, etc.

08:40 PM
Sarah A Ramirez

The pessimist 🙃 sees difficulty in every opportunity
The optimist 🙂 sees opportunity in every difficulty.

Facebook Timeout

2021-04-23 - Friday - 09:02 PM - Banned Log

Facebook BLOCKED Oatmeal Joey Arnold for the next 3 days.

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Fear The Walking Dead

2021-04-23 - Friday - 02:00 AM - 02:52 AM - FTWD 609

To bury a lover. It is hard. To make a trade, a lover for a sister. June kills the redhead, Virginia. Morgan didn't want to kill her. Dakota is her daughter. Well, killing can be bad but you have to sometimes kill in the form of executions. There has to be punishment for crimes. If you killed a bunch of people, you probably should be put to death. This messaging of not killing murderers is not good. It is bad.

2021-04-23 - Friday - 02:57 AM - 03:43 AM - FTWD 610

Centralization of guns. A gun free zone is dangerous. He talked about what happened. He reflected on the lie he was living and about redemption. Death of daughters and one mother. Grace was not there. Guns found in Daniel's shed. Daniel forgot or something.

Health Ranger

11:04 AM - 2021 Tulsa Event Day 1 Part 15 Mike Adams at the Health & Freedom Conference 04-16-2021, “The Contagious Mind”

Apple banned Mike Adams because you can't talk against Satanism.

11:45 AM
The following HARDCORE-SCIENCE is really really really FORBIDDEN.
Xylitol changed all around the world, the melting point went up.

SCIENTISTS get to OBSERVE under a microscope the LIVING EXPRESSION of our Creator.
Abbott lost $250M because when a set of chemicals changed, then that altered other sets remotely as if they were synced up to the INTERNET of GOD HIMSELF.
Molecules form MEMORIES which are imprinted into patterns like SNOWFLAKES, they're called Morphic Fields.

03:03 PM
Limitation of Genes
Prison Planet Project
Disrupt a Soul to End Humanity.
Power of Prayer
Minimize Toxicity
Spirit Warrior vs Fools



I don't listen to Charlie Ward because he doesn't say much.

In this video, Cirstenw mentions patriots like Millie Weaver, Laura Loomer, & even Roseanne Barr. I support these three and my favorite is Laura for what she does in trying to run to be a representative in Florida or something like that. Cirstenw might have said some people opposed these patriots for example. I'm against people who attack patriots. I do like Cirstenw. I don't listen to Charlie Ward a lot because he doesn't say a lot of substance.

There still are good people on YouTube but that number is shrinking daily. For example, some of my channels are still on Google's Propaganda Video Hole to Hell. The automatic algorithm generally attacks larger YouTube channels first, statistically, mathematically, the logic is to suspend whichever accounts reaches the most amount of people first and work your way down gradually, systematically.

But manually speaking, Google hired around 200,000 people to manually go through Gmail, other Google services, websites, and that includes YouTube. On top of that, SJW NPC bots, people, and actual bots too, they manually flag videos and accounts.

So, a small account could suddenly get put on timeout or permanently banned and removed off YouTube. I've had around three of four of my 35 or so YouTube channels taken down for good it seems and some if not all of them without notice or randomly or in a crazy way.

Some of the biggest YouTube channels who somehow are still there could be lucky or could be considered not a threat if they don't mention how masks hurt people or if they don't attack the root of the biggest problems humans face for example. Well, some of them may be distracting people or what have you. Hard to say.

Ron Gibson


08:20 PM
NASA was being formed especially through the 1940s, some of the members from Germany hint hint, please don't suspend me Facebook.

08:25 PM
They're trying to ban CARBON. What is CARBON? Trees are CARBON. Cute puppies and kittens are CARBON. People are CARBON.

Romelus Saladar, the video report is on banned . video, made by Greg Reese, but if I told you more, I would have to kill you.

11:27 PM
Netflix CEO Marc Randolf is the great nephew of Freud's grandson, they're all ten times worse than Hair-Sniffing Biden.

Watch Log

Here is a list of what I'm watching

Health Ranger

01:30 AM - 2021 Tulsa Event Day 1 Part 06 Nurse Erin Olszewski at the Health & Freedom Conference 04-16-2021, “COVID-19 Is 100% Treatable”



X22 Report


Fear The Walking Dead

2021-04-23 - Friday - 02:00 AM - 02:52 AM - FTWD 609
2021-04-23 - Friday - 02:57 AM - 03:43 AM - FTWD 610

Health Ranger

11:04 AM - 2021 Tulsa Event Day 1 Part 15 Mike Adams at the Health & Freedom Conference 04-16-2021, “The Contagious Mind”



Ron Gibson


And continued watching it into Saturday, off and on Friday night as I was also doing other things too.

Dear diary, got up at 10:50 AM. For ten minutes or less, was raking up the tomato patch or what will be tomatoes by the bookshed and my room in the area which had the green tarp and a hill by the new sidewalk way. We went out around 11:30 AM or before noon to get soil for Indian Bill similar to like last year. I think this is only my 2nd time helping Larry with Bill's garden. Larry wore a mask to pay for the soil dirt compost stuff at that place in Shelton. We went to a forestry like station and turned left there and down a mile or so, right turn towards hills and there was his house on the left. Drive in the middle to avoid bumps. Don't go too fast or compost goes out of the trailer which mom bought around 2010 as I've said before some days ago. I broke a tool but it was not that strong. Larry blamed me and told me to work more like an artist or Superman playing Jenga or playing with feathers or something delicate which means more time and stuff. It can be very hard to work like that and not impossible but there is that invisible line and it is hard. You have to get a technique like playing basketball with shooting the ball a specific way. But work cannot always be but a game. We worked till around 3 PM. So, around three hours of work. Things put away, me back on my throne. Lunch. 3:40 PM mail. Heritage. Helped put stakes in at the place I cleared today, the garden area that had the tarp near the bookshed, around six or seven stakes where plants to grow up on. Nap around 5 PM to 7 PM, like 2 hours. Swept the kitchen. Black and white Indian lady on the television out there. I was thinking could be a white lady actress.

Food log
Breakfast: coffee, orange, 11:03 AM. Part of the orange was rotten. I cut it off and the rest was making me feel like I wanted to throw up, so I stopped. Apple instead.
Lunch: soup, 3 PM.
Dinner: bagel, 7 PM, 2 yogurts, 8:25 PM.

07:29 PM
I brought out this Schneider Electric APC Back-UPS 450 I have which I must have bought at Goodwill back in 2020 or as early as 2018. I plug it in and it beeps as it did the last time I tried it some months ago or whenever it was.

Backup Friday
2021-04-23 - Friday - 07:39 PM - My Laptop Log

Schneider Electric APC Back-UPS 450
Model: BN450M
Input: 120V~, 6A, 50/60Hz, and 10 or 1O or 1 something.
Battery backup outlets: 120V~, 3.8A, 50/60Hz, 450VA, 255W, 1 something
Total outlet current: 6A, /cc s(or not s) 1kA
Serial number: 9B1942A34108
Made in China
Hard to replace battery buyers said

Office Supply

Intel® Core™ i5-8265U Processor

Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-6200U

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