Laryngitis: Parenting Without Talking is Hard.

in laryngitis •  7 years ago  (edited)


‪Laryngitis is no fun. Feeling better today, but still resting and not talking until the sinuses clear up more. Using all kinds of remedies that seem to be helping. Thankfully the older kids can read, so I’m communicating via whiteboard. :)‬

When @corinnestokes is out and about, parenting is extra challenging, but we’re doing well so far. I’m working to get better as soon as possible.

Remedies so far include:

  1. Neti Pot
  2. Tea with honey and sometimes lemon
  3. Gargling with salt water throughout the day
  4. Head under a towel over just boiled water (also tried with some lemon juice squeezed in)
  5. Using my body’s natural method for removing unwanted material from the lungs (I could have said that much less pleasantly and with far more detail)
  6. Throat lozenges to help resist the urge to cough or clear my throat unless needed
  7. Drinking water like it’s my job

I also leaned that whispering or clearing your throat just aggravates things worse, so it’s best to be fully silent and only cough when it’s productive.

I’m hoping I’ll be all back to normal very soon to fully enjoy this paradise again.

Have you ever had laryngitis where you lost your voice for days? It was really odd saying absolutely nothing yesterday. So weird, but also kind of zen-like.

Declining payout on this becuase it’s just some randomness I shared elsewhere already. I should create a separate account for these posts.

I hope your day is going fantastically well!

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You definitely deserve it! Your content is amazing :)!

Being sick and a parent totally deserves some rewards!

Get better soon :)

Hope you feel better brother! Distilled water? Tried colloidal silver?

Colloidal Silver is the bomb. I love that stuff. Always have a bottle in the house.

Same here. Daily doses and we don't get sick.

Best if used regularly for sure.

I believe in home remedies, hope it will help

Thanks! That looks like a great list.

I checked it from Google, I thought it may help and will make you relax, Laryngitis sucks

Get well soon

Good post friends are very beneficial for health thanks for sharing ..

Not being able to talk, that must suck..
I feel for you..
Even thinking about that irritates me

You should get yourself some of those homeopathic remedies. They're a great use of money. I believe that comes from Latin homeo meaning "doesn't" and pathic meaning "work".

In all seriousness, feel better!

Have you ever watch Storm by Tim Minchin? It’s friggen hilarious.

I have now. I wish I was that clever. Or that I could rhyme, ever.

My dad used to rhyme all the time as part of his dad jokes. I can't rhyme much at all, but Minchin is gifted.

posting very nice friends, i really like posting friends.

Resteem yes @lukestokes

I was wondering what it was when you wrote that word in a reply somewhere. I googled it but could not find it.....must have mispelled it.

I've had it, when I was singing in a band. Mostly the day after, and indeed whispering and clearing your throat (comes natural ) but is not a good thing to do.
One time, I remember, I lost my singing voice completely. I could talk but not sing...there was no sound coming out what so ever. It was during a performance....luckily there was a singer who had previously sung in the band that could take over. But I have to tell it was the weirdest thing ever.

Take it easy...I bet the children love that their dad is finally silent for once lol.....No that's a joke ;)

Hope you're well soon

I think everyone is probably happy I'm not talking so much. Heheh. :)

I like

Best of luck dealing with it. I know I would lose my mind not being able to talk (or yell) at my kids.

Shame this must be terrible, I could never make it through the day without some shouting. All the best hope you get better soon xxx

Thanks so much. :)

I got outside today and walk around with the family a bit. We had an amazing lunch and now I'm stuffed. Time to rest.

I like the paranthesys from the point 5 and also the point 7 :))

When I was younger my parents used to give me medicine when I catched a cold or when I got a flu, but now I have tried a different approach. For a few years I haven't took any medicine for barely nothing and I must admit that I only catched a cold (or maybe it was a flu, who knows?) that only lasted for less than a week. I like to let my body fight itself with these kind of things because I think that it develops better antibodies and by now it really worked. Of course I rely on honey and C vitamin, tea and things like that, and this seems to be really well.

I don't remember to ever having laryngitis by now, but my girlfriend once had and I kept making fun of her. For a few days she had a man voice so I was calling her name only to hear her speaking and laugh. I was a little bit mean, but we had a lot of fun!

Hahah. That does sound funny. I hope I get my voice back to normal soon. For now, I'm just trying not to talk at all.

I really hope too that you will get your voice back soon, but from what I see in your post it looks like you are taking good care of you so I know you will recover fast!

I definitely need my serious voice to get my kids attention sometimes lol.. Hope you get to feeling better man!


good post

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Thank You! ⚜

I hope you feel better lukestokes.

it’s best to be fully silent and only cough when it’s productive

Agreed. Let everything in there heal up. :)

Ugh, I couldn't imagine having laryngitis and being home alone with my two kids. My 7 year old can read some things, but my 4 year old would probably take advantage of my silence. Haha. :)

I just started using a text-to-speech app which works great!

It sounds awesome in theory...BUT

I would be upset if my kids didn't upvote all of the comments I posted > spoke!

And as I know my family only too well, they would hack my app settings and change my voice to that of Trump...

Hope the vocal normalcy comes back online really soon, although from our point of view as a community, voice is NOT necessary to make yourself heard here...

Enjoy the zen-like experience for what it is, but hope you are fully back on form and fighting fit rapidly man :)

Image courtesy of the AWESOMETASTICAL Pixabay.

thank you for the information you have shared @lukestokes . very useful for me, because I am a sinus patient