in las •  8 years ago 

lugares de mariguana.jpg

Since July 1, 2017, Las Vegas has become the recreational marijuana paradise. A magazine, called "ELEVATE NEVADA" (by the way, great name for the subject), announced that more than 30 dispensaries had opened their doors to a large crowd that waited outside the stores to get the coveted Cannabis. Well, I do not have to tell you anything about the smell, which was all over the city.

According to what the magazine insinuated, the Nevada Tax Commission adopted temporary regulations, proposed by the Tax Department, giving way to the state to offer these licenses, from May 15 to 31, to dispensaries that already sold the plant for Medicinal usage. And there will be another period of license applications before the end of the year.

The sale of recreational marijuana, scheduled for January 1, 2018, began early, thanks to a petition by Nevada Governor Brian Sandoval, who once again demonstrated the dual standard that tides the political life of the gambling state. To dedicate some funds of the taxes achieved in this new industry to the education. (Thank you Mr. Sandoval for awarding $ 70 million of the taxes that will be made over the next two years by making people dizzy, to the Nevada educational system!).

Let's do, as the magazine, raise the ironic tone of this note a little: Nevada does not accept a lottery dedicated to supporting the state's educational system and raising the quality of life of the people, as do many states in this country, for not to offend the vested interests that live out its main industry: gambling, but the governor dared to pass a law that allows us to get high, even our children, and suffer the consequences of such illusion. And we must imagine that some of these funds will serve to detoxify our children in the same schools.

Bravo!!! Like everything Sandoval does! He not only got tired of bringing in new industries with large numbers of people from other states to replace the local labor and take away the jobs of many, but now also supports a law that is a threat to the welfare of all! Talking about our welfare, wasnt he who gave Solar City our tax dollars to get established, and then... all solar installers left, including Solar City, leaving a big pain behind??? Let's ask this: how much money did he give to local installers? Was not this same government that closed doors and made go to bankrupcy other installers? Giving tax dollars, taking from other everything? Something is definitely fishing in Nevada!

Let's keep in mind the great ideas of Nevada's first Hispanic Governor, Brian Sandoval. And in the next vote let's not forget that he had the courage to dedicate $ 70 million, derived from the taxes of this damn industry, the sale of recreational marijuana, to support the budget of the Department of Education.

Desde el primero de Julio, 2017, Las Vegas se convirtio en el paraiso de la mariguana recreacional. Una revista, que se llama "ELEVATE NEVADA" (Nevada Elevada), anuncio que mas de 30 dispensarios habian abierto sus puertas ante una gran concurrencia que hacia filas de mas de una cuadra hasta obtener la codiciada Cannabis.

Segun lo que insinuo la revista, la Comision de Impuesto de Nevada adopto regulaciones temporales, propuestas por el Departamento de Impuesto, dando paso a que el estado ofreciera estas licencias, del 15 al 31 de Mayo, a los dispensarios que ya vendian la planta para uso medicinal. Y habra otro periodo de solicitudes de licencias antes de que se acabe el ano.

La venta de la mariguana recreacional, programada para el primero de Enero, 2018, comenzo anticipadamente, gracias a una peticion del mismisimo Gobernador de Nevada, Brian Sandoval, quien una vez mas hizo gala del doble standard que marea la vida politica del estado del juego, al dedicar algunos fondos de los impuestos logrados en esta nueva industria a la educacion. (Gracias, Sr. Sandoval por otorgarle $70 millones de los impuestos que se logren en los proximos dos anos mareando a la gente, al sistema educativo de Nevada!).

Hagamos como la revista: elevemos el tono ironico de esta nota un poco mas: Nevada no acepta tener una loteria dedicada a apoyar el sistema educacional del estado y subir la calidad de vida del pueblo, como lo hacen muchos estados de la Union Americana, por no ofender los intereses creados que viven del juego, pero si se atrevio a pasar una ley que permite mariguanearnos a todos, hasta nuestros hijos, y sufrir las consecuencias. Y debemos de imaginarnos que algunos de esos fondos serviran para desintoxicar a nuestros hijos en las mismas escuelas.

Bravo!!! Como todo lo que hace Sandoval! No solo se canso de traer nuevas industrias con grandes cantidades de gente de otros estados para reemplazar la mano de obra local y quitarles los trabajos a muchos, sino que ahora tambien apoya una ley que es una amenaza al bienestar de todos!!

Tengamos muy presente las grandes ideas del mentado primer gobernador hispano de Nevada, Brian Sandoval. Y en la proxima votacion no olvidemos que tuvo la osadia de dedicar $70 millones, derivados de los impuestos de esta maldita industria, la venta de mariguana recreacional, para apoyar al presupuesto del Departamento de Educacion!

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