Zog City Broadcast Ep.1 What is Zog City? Who is Troll Ov Metal

in las •  6 years ago 

(From audio)
Welcome to episode one of Zog City Broadcast. I am Troll Ov Metal, your Zog City resident here to tell you about what’s going on in old Zog Town. So what is “Zog”? If you use a quick Google search, you’ll get Zog as being an abbreviation for “Zionist Occupation Government”. Zionism is just a bad word used by Nazis and conspiracy theorists (and a good word when used by Jews). For those who don’t know what Zionism is, it’s basically a Jewish run civilization, or civilizations. So why do I call Las Vegas “Zog City”?

I’ve lived here long enough to understand the racial demographics of the city and where certain people generally live. You’ve got the blacks in North Las Vegas, the Latinos in the central and eastern region (also scattered across the whole city), Asians to the southwest, and the whites can be found generally in gated communities throughout the city and outer rim of the Las Vegas area, and also most of the ranch-style housing areas. These races of people have preferred areas they’d rather live in but often share spaces among other races. But there is one group of people who make it a point to make sure they don’t live outside of their race.

Separated by the 95 freeway, there’s an area of town called Summerlin just west of the rest of the city where the Jews gather. While Summerlin isn’t strictly a “Jewish” community, it’s where the majority of southern Nevada Jews choose to live, where they have built their synagogues and schools, where they plan Jewish events, where they don’t have to worry about other groups of people passing through to ruin their festivities. Summerlin has the nicest grass and parks, offers urban living that tends to attract Jews, and has endless plaza districts that suit every aspect of Jewish culture from doctors’ and lawyers’ offices to kosher cafes and yoga studios.

Some people might ask why it matters that Jews have their own side of town, minding their own business. I’d have to answer that by claiming that the Jews have their own side of town but aren’t minding their business. In the next several episodes I’m going to provide some information that proves this city’s reputation as “Sin City” wasn’t only created by Jews, but that the labor of this mostly gentile city directly benefits both Jewish influenced politicians and the nation of Israel. While working gentile families are often neglected by the city and left to fend for themselves, the Jews live worry-free by accessing their Jewish network of lawyers, politicians, banksters and ex-mobsters to guide them through their financial ventures.

Now, I’d like to get into the specifics of who these people are and how it works, but that’s for another episode. I only have about twenty to thirty minutes for each episode, plus I need things to talk about so I can make more content. One thing you’ll notice about me is I like to rant about Jews. Some people say I’m obsessed with Jews, and that I blame everything on Jews. That might be the case. It might not be. I believe Jews play a huge role in global government corruption. But I know there’s more to it than a few grabblers looking for shekels.

Another reason I call this place Zog City is because this city is a perfect example of Zog. If you listen to Zog City Broadcast enough, you’ll learn that Zog goes way beyond a few Jew cafes and lawyers. Las Vegas and it’s casinos, pornography and sex stores, the heroin epidemic, our mayor, and so on. I have so much I want to talk about. I made Zog City Broadcast because it’s so amazing how much these Jews get away with that I actually almost admire them. I find Jews to be dangerously impressing. I’d almost say I’m jealous, but unlike these Jews I have ethics. I’m glad I don’t have their tendencies and that’s something else I want to talk about some day.

This is Zog City Broadcast. I’m Troll Ov Metal. Here’s some tunes while I go find something else to talk about besides Zog Town.
Welcome back to Zog City Broadcast. I’m Troll Ov Metal, your local Zog Town insider. So, by now we know I like to talk about Jews. That’s important. But let’s talk about me. What will I be talking about in future episodes? What else do I like to talk about besides yids and shekels? Who is Troll Ov Metal? Why did I even create Zog City Broadcast?

So, I’ve lived in Las Vegas since about 1990. I’ve pretty much been sheltered in suburbia my whole life. I was a 90’s kid, whatever that is. I got a good glimpse of the pre-9/11 world. I remember Columbine, and my dad watching Desert Storm on Fox News, and I got to witness MTV push the most degenerative content cable television had to offer just beneath pornography. I got to witness cable television. I used to be normal. I still am normal. If fact, I’m more normal than most people.

So, I don’t believe in the holocaust. I don’t think earth is a globe or that the sun is real. And I think Attack on Titan was based on a true story. I like heavy metal and synth music. I am a Christian. I watch Pewdiepie. I like pizza. I’m pretty much a normal dude. I work a 40 hour week. I’m just some dude. I originally created the Troll Ov Metal YouTube channel to do malt liquor reviews, because I was a drunk degenerate who liked to troll metal channels, and Liberals in the comment sections. I used to be a Liberal. It’s strange because I used to troll fellow Liberals with another YouTube account and I’d pretend to be a conservative boomer. And I became a conservative boomer.

I’m hoping in future episodes I can get into detail about these things. I hope my content doesn’t get censored or attacked by Hebrew snipers. I really do enjoy talking about how the holocaust didn’t happen, or how grilled chicken flavor is enhanced by jalapeno when baked on a pizza , or how I think the Honda Civic d16 motor was intentionally created to force gearheads to invest into the car for decades onward. Jews got banned from the military during the Civil War. I like to talk about things like this.

I’m glad that I found motivation to get back into making content, even if my last attempts were awful. I like to speak my mind. It keeps me sane. It let’s me know people care about my opinions, even when they say they don’t. This is my last shot at doing something like this so I might as well just say it. We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children Zog City Broadcast might be something worth creating. Just kidding I’m not white. So I can’t be racist. Troll Ov Metal, kvetching out of the heart of Zog Town. I’m not antisemitic. I will see you guys later!

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