Las Vegas Shooting, deadliest mass shooting in modern history, Gun man opened fire leaving 58 dead, 515 injured with automatic rifle from his suite on 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay

in lasvegas •  7 years ago  (edited)

Another Gun Grab for Gun Control, False Flag attack sponsored by the powers that shouldn't be. Wouldn't be surprised the shooter was MKULTRA just like the others to implement Martial Law for NWO Agenda. Another Anti-Trump supporter possible Antifa claim? No connection with ISIS, propaganda poly.
Other footage proves the shooting was coming from the 10th floor, Most Likely the 4th Floor with Video Proof.
Two Shooters?
No way this could come from the 32nd Floor, but is pushed as mainstream media narrative.
32nd Degree Freemason to 33rd Degree Freemason=Illuminati

Watch out for the Crisis Actors. Keep eyes peeled. Beware of this story being used by both political parties are of the same coin to push for NWO Agenda. POLICIES DOESN'T Change.
A heartfelt sorrow for those lost and injured in this horrific attack. Heart goes out to all of the people that have been murdered and affected by this tragedy. Prayers and Protection.
There are links attached with videos, please share.
"I won't believe this is anything more than another gun grab by the shadowy elites until I see a photo of the shooters dead body. And yes, unlike Sandy Hook or Pulse real people died this time. However, I do not believe the shooter was an amateur who 'killed himself'. "

A 64 year old white male Stephen Paddock..Spraying the crowed with Automatic gunfire.
PICTURED: The lone Las Vegas gunman, 64, who murdered 58 and injured 515 concert-goers with an automatic rifle from his suite on 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay in America's deadliest mass shooting - before comitting suicide

PICTURED: Gunman who shot dead 58 people and injured 515 when he opened fire on a packed Vegas music festival from the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay hotel before committing suicide

"AP is reporting ISIS has claimed the attack. Elsewhere I've seen Antifa claim it (possibly a forged Antifa), now this:

Personally I think the Bernie Bros. explanation is most likely. The Congressional shooter was a Bernie Bros."

"ISIS may be cover they are using: Now just revealed CIA source states shooter connected with ANTIFA - the ISIS is cover story."

"Found the video the that proves a shooter on 10th floor (or about 10th floor). Someone get this on Gab TV / Gab Video ASAFP to preserve the evidence. Repost until this is done. "

Gun Shot Sounds at Mandalay Bay Building Where Shooter Was

Vegas Shooter’s Father Was Armed Robber on FBI’s Most Wanted List

"There was indeed in the late 1960s and early 1970s a bank robber, an escaped federal prisoner, and eventually a fugitive by that name (and others) who made the Most Wanted list. The FBI poster (see above) from 1969 notes that Paddock the Elder had been “diagnosed as psychopathic, has carried firearms in commission of bank robberies” and “reportedly has suicidal tendencies and should be considered armed and very dangerous.”"

"The father of the Las Vegas shooter was an FBI most-wanted bank robber... who was captured by in Las Vegas in 1960 - then escaped and lived on the run for a decade."

What Happened in Vegas Won’t Stay in Vegas

Marine: .223 May Not Be Lethal Enough for Civilians
"This is smelling like an Arkancide operation, professional killer. The guy was an accountant. Not exactly a profession known for radicals. HRC/Soros. "

Another weird relationship between “Otaiba Family” and “Mandalay Hotel” Deep State School play,

Shooting Witness Praises Police: ‘In a World Where Everyone’s Kneeling, These Guys Stood Up’

Las Vegas shooting: Jason Aldean on stage when shots rang out near Mandalay Bay

" Stephen Paddock was not an NRA member. I find it so disgusting that you're exploiting this attack for your own agenda. Glad you're not POTUS"

LIBERAL TEACHER’S Social Media Message Goes VIRAL: “Lots of white trump supporters in Las Vegas” Asks Liberals To “Pray Only Trumptards Died”

CBS Exec Not ‘Sympathetic’ to Vegas Victims: Country Music Fans Republican ‘Gun Toters’

CBS Exec: No Sympathy For Vegas Because ‘Country Music Fans Are Often Gun Toting Republicans’

Previously worked for NASA. Dated September 1, 1993.
"4chan update: shooter was anti trumper who may have worked for Nasa. So to recap, boomer, young muslim gf, anti maga, antifa ties, and NASA ties"

4chan confirmed this is a false flag attack. Anon warned of Las Vegas attack on 9/11. See proof.


"At 2:26 you can see a lady holding a child's hand running right towards the danger. And some people don't even drop there drinks while running. My common sense is saying Hoax."

Woman Says ''You're All Going To Die Tonight'' 45 Minutes Before Shooting - Las Vegas Mandalay Bay

"Are we just gonna ignore her eyebrows moving completely unnaturally?"

Who Was The Mystery Lady? Threats Made 45 Minutes Before Shots Fired In Las Vegas

"She was looking at a certain direction half the time, maybe a teleprompter and she was smiling which basically proves she's an actor."

Illuminati Symbolism at Las Vegas Shooting

Watch for the woman's necklace has all seeing eye.

Las Vegas Shooter Stephen Paddock Already Being Falsely Linked to Cliven Bundy

Proof Las Vegas Shooting Was a FALSE FLAG Attack - Shooter on 4th Floor

"Here is credible evidence that the truth about the Las Vegas Shooting is being covered up! A shooter was firing from the 4th floor of the Mandalay Bay. Stephen Paddock could not be in two places at once."

SSAK-47 Bump Fire Stock Atlantic Firearms

Las Vegas Shooting - Brand Thornton's Nephew Shot in Chest

Las Vegas Shooting - 2nd Angle of Gunfire from 4th Floor Evidence of False Flag

Las Vegas Shooting Were Multiple M240Bs Used in the Attack?

Mandalas bay Shooting

Comment from a Viewer sums it up. I too heard first heard about this at 2 a.m. instead of immediately when it happened.
Understand that Jason Aldean's Gematria is 33 and 66.
"Here are my suspicions:

  1. Jason adlean's tour is called "They don't know"
  2. ‎the tour has 33 shows. Cmon... It's everywhere.
  3. ‎he supposedly shot from the 32nd floor. Hmmm like the 32nd degree of the Scottish rite...
  4. ‎why is there only ONE SINGLE PHOTO of this guy. I couldn't find him anywhere on the internet.
  5. ‎the festival was called Route 91 Harvest Country music festival on Oct. 1st. Route 91 on first day of the month... Hmmm like 911
  6. ‎"Mandalay Bay" = 36 or 63 in 8 different types of gematria.
  7. ‎the sound of bullets in the video sound like someone is up close and shooting, like the sound is coming from speakers.
  8. ‎they could have easily paid off crisis actors to be "injured" while innocent people panic and think it's really happening, making it seem more realistic. I've yet to see a decent picture of a real injury.
  9. why did I only hear about this at 2am??? Instead of hearing about it immediately when it happened...

Not saying I'm right, these are just thoughts."

Las Vegas 50 Dead When White Male Terrorist Opens Fire On Crowd! Lone Wolf Right?

Las Vegas - Caught On Raw Video "They're Not Real Gun Shots"

The Las Vegas shooting - The Truth You're Not Being Told About These Attacks

Hillary Clinton Comments On Las Vegas Shooting: Says What If The He Had An NRA Approved Silencer

"Can we put a silencer on Killary's mouth!"
"Hillary is a pro with dead body trails.Bill is a pro with prostitutes,interns & cigars.Chelsea is a pro at the horse stables and types of hay to eat."

YouTuber Perfectly PREDICTS Las Vegas 2 Weeks BEFORE the Incident!!

The Mass Shooting In Las Vegas, In Which 58 People Were Killed And Hundreds Were Injured, Is Only Another Example As To How Violent American Society Has Become
Please watch this video. Both political parties are the same coin. All by Design, World's A Stage.
Shooting is mass reflection of common occurrence on society and decline of Christianity.
Crappy Parents produce Crappy Kids. Reflection on how they were raised, leads to person they become.
No one else to blame but the person looking back at them in the mirror. Other part is Deep State/Illuminati a.k.a. powers that shouldn't be are creating the conditions for this for NWO Agenda with mind control experiments such as MKULTRA, False Flag Events, etc.
Messed up violent society and those using this situation just like the Geo Engineered Hurricanes for Political Agenda.

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