Virgo Horoscope For September 2022

in latestnews •  2 years ago 

September has so many sparkling aspects—my favorite will be the full moon in Pisces September 10, and it will be active for five days beyond the date it appears as the full moon gently wanes. When you read my September forecast, read for your Sun sign and rising sign, as we all have two charts. In each case, be sure to read about this full moon and plan to use it!

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Your chart is very lit up, with many happy planets making preparations for your glorious, financially generous months ahead. It’s birthday time, and to help you celebrate, the mighty Sun and new moon appeared in Virgo late last month on August 27, and that new moon will be your ticket to getting onto a bright new path.

Every year we get one new moon in our own birth sign, and the one that just occurred August 27 was yours. Often, I will tell you how to use that month’s new moon for best results, but this time, at the annual new moon in your own sign of Virgo, things are different, for in this case, you get to decide what you would like to do. What dream is in your heart that you would like to advance, dear Virgo? Use the powerful energy of this new moon to take a step toward grasping that desire. Astrology is all about timing, and this is your time to take a big or little step—it’s up to you. The point is, to start to get closer to realizing your dream.

Mercury is your ruling planet and also the ruler of the new moon in Virgo, 3 degrees. That means Mercury played a big part at that new moon. Happily, Mars, the great action planet, is beautifully angled to transiting Mercury in Libra. Mars will give you determination and energy to go after what you want to achieve—you will sense this is the right time to do so. You will also receive elegant rays from transformative Pluto based in your fifth house of love, pregnancy, and children, and this area of your chart also rules your creativity. One of these areas will prove to be important to you and help you transform your life into the one you can picture in your mind.
The closer your birthday falls to August 27 (plus or minus five days), the more this new moon will speak directly to you. The same is true if you have Virgo rising or your moon in Virgo at 4 degrees, plus five or minus three degrees. Also look at your natal chart to see if you have a planet in Virgo, Taurus, Capricorn, Cancer, Scorpio, or Pisces from 0 to 8 degrees. If you do, that planet will go far to help you.

Let’s now look at this month’s full moon in Pisces, 18 degrees, on September 10, which will have you thinking about one special person with whom you may want to join forces. It may be that you hope to be exclusive to each other, to move in together soon, or to become engaged or married.

Your career is now on fire, and you are about to see your reputation climb to new heights. Between now and the end of March 2023 there will be no stopping you.
Or you may want to direct the energy of this partnership new moon to team up in business. You may want to hire a collaborator who will work with you in a confidential, one-on-one way, the way a lawyer, bookkeeper, or accountant would do, or in a more public way as a business partner, publicist, or agent would do, as some examples. I love this full moon because Uranus, the planet of all unanticipated events, will be in perfect angle to the Sun and bring you a wonderful surprise in regard to the partnership matter you may be considering. A friend may be involved too and be instrumental in some way to this glorious surprise.

This full moon, September 10, may crystalize your thinking about your plan for a future action. If you want to act soon, then wait until Mercury is out of retrograde—September 9 to October 2. I suggest you do so over the full moon, October 8. That is a weekend, but all full moons are influential before and after they occur (two days before and five days after).

If your birthday falls on September 10, plus or minus five days, or if your natal moon is in Virgo or you have Virgo rising at the same 18 degrees, plus or minus five degrees, this full moon will give you a double dip of luck. If you have a natal planet in Virgo, Taurus, Capricorn, Pisces, Cancer, or Scorpio at 18 degrees, plus or minus five degrees, you will love this full moon too, as Uranus’ surprises, along with the full moon, will help you as well.
Against this exciting background, you now have active Mars in Gemini, a sign it moved into on August 20, for an unusually long stay, until March 25, 2023, a period lasting seven months. Mars usually stays in one sign six weeks, so this will feel new. For you, dear Virgo, you hit the jackpot, because you need to feel productive. You are the hardest worker of the zodiac, but sometimes people will notice this quality and take advantage of you, they figure out a way to make you take on too much of the workload. Now you will finally get credit for all you’ve accomplished and all that potential that lies before you.

Mars will spend all seven months in your house of honors, awards, and achievement—your prestigious tenth house of career advancement. If you are looking for a job, you could not wish for a better placement of Mars. Mars will give you the determination to aim for a top position, one with more responsibility than your last job. You will want to use your experience and skills for something better and where you’ll be paid more, too. Good!

There is a reason that Mars will spend so much time in Gemini. Mars will go retrograde on October 30 and remain out of phase until January 12, 2023. During that time, your progress will slow down but not end. You may reunite with a past employer who believed in you and who you enjoyed working with—there may be a chance to work together again in a different way, on a new project, with a new title for you.
Nevertheless, I will say that if you have a new, important project coming up or are planning a major business launch, do so next month, after October 2 (when Mercury goes direct) but no later than October 15 (October 10 would be better). You need to stay away from October 30, the date Mars goes retrograde. You will also need to avoid timing anything near next month’s eclipse, October 25, simply because a lot of distracting news will come up (even if the news is good news). It’s an astrological axiom that we always try to avoid timing on an eclipse if possible.

The new moon of September 25 will be in Libra 3 degrees and light your second house of salary and other income and possessions—you are likely to love the chance to earn more money. Alternatively, you may be given a beautiful, belated birthday gift from someone who clearly loves you and wants to see you happy. In a different way this might work out, you may be selling something artistic that you created and be thrilled that your work is valued and appreciated when you earn a large fee.

Romantically, this month Venus will be your best friend for she will tour Virgo for the first time this year from September 4 to September 29. Even though Mercury will be retrograde, you can get ready for the new season, just save receipts if you later want to make an exchange. Shop for new clothes on your favorite Internet sites, ask your stylist for advice on how to wear your hair, whiten your teeth, choose new makeup if you are a woman, or grow a beard if you are a guy. Make it fun, then step out. Venus will have her watchful eye on you.

Put as star on September 17 to 19 when Venus and surprise-a-minute Uranus will be in sync and Cupid and his little fleet of angels will be ready to cover you in glitter. Single or attached, this is a weekend you’ll adore—it will be full of unexpected and spontaneous fun, and possibly, enchanting romance.

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