History of me part II

in laurencemountford •  6 years ago 

So i think i left of at finding the zeitgeist movies and people like alex jones and whatnotm how he apparently snuck into the bobemian grove and filmed that bubcha weirdos burning a giant owl that was talking to them through a giant speaker, pretty nerdy in retrospect.

So you find shit like that and then you fibd out that the rule is run by a load of strange assholes who all buy into some "mystery religion" that maaaaaybe (?) Is magical somehow because you start to see how all these buildings and places were built usingbthe golden ratio and aspects of mathematics people don't really learn in school. And its all vague and no body can really say what its all about.

But some people claim to.. and then when you those kinda people they claim a whole lot more. This is when you find your david ickes and your david wilcox or john lear types. And in the case of david icke, he starts telling you all about various "Energies" and brings upnyhe topic of reptillians.. how they are in other dimensions. How they are so powerful.. how you cant getbto them or see them due to their other dimensional power... on top of an evil government of mystery schools that do evil things and how they trap us in some soul matrix and again.. how its all so very fucking vague.

Beyond that. You then have people who claim to be spiritual channels like kryon or bashar.. and these fuckers entertain you with the idea that yes evil government exists.. yes reptillians exist.. but then theres also GOOD aliens who are trying to help us Ascend to some fucking ther level of consciousness in a new age where everywhere will be fine.

More practical elements of the truth movement like zeitgeist evolved their position and began to advocate for things like the resource based economy which boils down to sacrificing all basic human choice by becoming beholden to a giant system of A.I that WONT be bad and just hope the best.

And then later zeitgeist started to appear with rothschilds in some strange alliance and by that point if you are wiley.. you just go No.

So in conclusion we have an aspect of the truth world that acts like it is exposing the world yet is making a profit.

Another aspect of the truth world claiming to be exoosing a world that really we can't do anything about while making a profit and a prophet..

Another which claims to be a prophet/channel for information which exposes the unbeatable world yet tells you its fine because we're gonna ascend..

And then aspect which points out less of this but advocates a way of fighting the control that requires giving up even more control and hoping for the best.. for profit.

So call me kill crazy but, back in the day, after having been drowning in that kind of stuff for years, forgive me losing all interest and faith in those types of systems.

Its after all that that it was not much longer before i found don.

But before we get to that.. i think the next one of these will be about all the bs at the time of the 2012 olympics. Sigh.. fuck that time.

Anyway that is all for now.

Its nearly christmas XD

Hope people have a great time. Having a great time is one of the main things ya gotta fight for. If not for yourself. Then at least others.

Im on phone forgive typos.

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