I received a traffic ticket in NYC. I wrote a letter explaining the US is a corporation and by extension the court as well and that they have no authority over me. Then this happened...

in law •  9 years ago 

I was driving in NYC.  First off, I wouldn't advise this to anyone.  Driving there is an enormous hazard.  New Yorkers themselves are their own branch of crazy.  The more dangerous group are a roving band of thugs and pirates that all wear blue uniforms.  These road pirates look for any kind of infraction they can see and issue tickets and citations for them.  

Without a doubt I drove through a cross walk while people were on either side of it.  It's NYC.  I see this at least 15 times a trip I make down there.  New Yorkers are such aggressive walkers it's impossible to make a right turn during the few seconds you have while the light is green.  So, I did it.  Without a doubt.  I drove through.

Now because Michael Bloomberg's personal army is the 7th largest in the world and they are known for insane violence.  I choose not to interact with them.  On this particular day I couldn't stop it though.  I made my turn not to be late, one of his thousands of armed thugs stopped me, and I was issued a ticket.

Now, I'm a truther and I study the shit out of the world.  I look for truth no matter how weird that truth is.  I followed a long rabbit hole down partially inspired by Judge Ana Von Reitz and in part by folks like Dean Clifford, Winston Shrout, Dani Arnold, and many others (please don't trust every word that they all say, they are fallible and this is a complex system.  Do your own research and take what resonates for you and leave the rest!).  What I'm about to say probably won't set in right away.  It is weird and you will likely internally resist the thought as total bullshit.

The Government of the United States of America is a corporation masquerading as a government.  Technically it's a religious non-profit.  Ultimate ownership of the non-profit religious corporation goes up to the UN.  I'm unclear who owns the UN, but I have about 13 names and one tiny little country in Italy that I have a hunch about.

It's not just America.  It's every country out there.  

It's beyond the scope of this article to explain every piece of this.  Here are two of the best movies I can find on the internet to explain it.

This one is about a Canadian that goes through legal definitions to find out that Canada is a corporation and it's listed on the stock exchange.


This is the story of a detail oriented Australian who was trying to import his car only to find out that the customs division was actually a corporation and further digging revealed all of Australia was a corporation and that corporation is also listed on the Securities and Exchange Comission.

Anyway, so, here's the letter that I sent to the judge.

"Dear alleged Judge and Officer with the ID# (redacted),   

I'm in receipt of a notice that the driver’s license associated with FIRST I LAST may be suspended due to non-payment of a citation from 09/21/15 (Citation # redacted). There are so many issues and problems associated with this process that I’m frankly disgusted at every turn. Literally everything that you, the RMV, the police, and the government are doing is completely unlawful. Now, the first thing you’re likely to say is that “everything we are doing is legal… here is the NEW YORK law that proves it.” 

To be clear, I’m not discussing what is legal. Slavery was legal. Apartheid was legal. Beating your wife was legal. I’m not going to use legality as a way to justify if something is good and right in this world. I’m discussing unlawful. I’m discussing unconstitutional. I’m discussing fraudulent. And yes you are a part of that as is the court, the police, and the government officials. 

1.  I am providing documentation that explains how we are owed a Constitutional Republic. The constitution that governs our laws is actually “The constitution for the united States of America.” It is a separate document from “The Constitution of the United States of America.” The former is a document governing the American Republic. The latter is actually the mission statement of a corporate entity, which is claiming to represent the Republic. This corporation masquerading as government has zero authority over me as an American National much like JC Penney has zero authority over me. 

2. When the corporate government was created it was due to the civil war and a lack of quorum. The leaders at the time couldn’t run the country as the Republic so they vacated the offices, created a corporation with a look-alike sound-alike name, created a new constitution that looked alike, and they started claiming that they were representing us. It’s a privately owned enterprise with a board of directors that sure as hell don’t represent American Nationals.  

3. That type of fraud didn’t stop there. When real people are born passing from a womb into life on American soil they are born as American Nationals. They have every protection from the organic constitution for the united States of America. However; through a most heinous fraud perpetrated through birth registrations and other government documents a corporation is formed in the name of living people without their knowledge.  You think of yourself as John Smith, but if you look at your Driver’s License you’ll notice it’s spelled JOHN SMITH. You may recognize that something like Jon Smith is a different person than Smith Jon. Spelling matters. Order matters. So too does capitalization matter. JOHN SMITH is a corporate entity created in your name without your knowledge. JOHN SMITH is actually a “PERSON.” And if you google Black’s law dictionary and “PERSON” you’ll realize how you may have been bamboozled. They changed the definition of that one word for the purposes of government to also mean corporation. And so you exist as John as a living flesh and blood person and are registered in commerce as JOHN SMITH. 

4. It’s also worth pointing out that “The Registry of Motor Vehicles” is itself a corporation. It’s not a de jure part of a functioning Republic. It’s a corporate entity. Like every other corporate entity it doesn’t have the right to dictate rules to American Nationals. Especially given supreme court rulings like:  Norton v. Shelby County, 118 U.S. 425 p. 442  "An unconstitutional act is not law; it confers no rights; it imposes no duties; affords no protection; it creates no office; it is in legal contemplation, as inoperative as though it had never been passed." Additionally the Supreme Court has ruled many times that Americans have the right to travel, that licenses aren’t required, and that it’s unlawful to reduce rights down to privileges and sell the privilege back to American Nationals.   

5. The fraud continues on a personal level, once a CORPORATE PERSON is created the CORPORATE PERSON is subjected to codes, acts, statues, and other nonsense. Administrative/maritime/commercial “laws” start coming into effect. Every single aspect of life is now under scrutiny and codes and rules written to control behavior, but again… they aren’t written about you as a natural person, a living breathing flesh and blood person. They are written regarding a CORPORATE PERSON. The whole thing is based on fraud, deceit, and it’s the root cause of the heinous police state we live in now. (Two more ways you can easily see this in effect is if you start a personal business. You go down to the building inspector (typically) and sign a DBA, which is a Doing Business As. However, you never had to sign a Doing Business. Why is that? Because you’re already registered in commerce. JOHN SMITH took care of that. Secondly, look very carefully at a personal check. There are two solid lines at the bottom of the check. But if you look closely the one on the right isn’t a solid line and there appear the letters MP on the right. That stands for microprint. So, if you grab a microscope or magnifying glass you’ll see it’s not a solid line but a repeating text of “authorized signature.” Why on your own account would you need an authorized signature? Because the account is in the name of JOHN SMITH and the signer is John Smith. The bank account is for the CORPORATE person. I’m just trying to provide some insight for you that where as previously you may have thought there was just one JOHN SMITH but  there are actually 2. A living person and a corporate entity made in your name with your DOB without your knowledge or consent. It’s fraud.) 

6. So, there’s this thing called the constitution. In it is the 9th amendment. That one doesn’t get much press. It uses big words that Americans aren’t so good at understanding after our education system has been ruined. Fortunately, I can read it. It basically states that any right not specifically mentioned we the American Nationals still maintain. The reason the government can’t set my bedtime or how many times I brush my teeth is because the 9th amendment ensures that I have the right to those things. More specifically it includes I have the ability to drive down the road. I have the right to be on public roadways and that has been protected by the supreme court about a dozen times. I’m frustrated that I need a license at all. Well, I don’t need one… but my corporate half does and that entire thing is built in fraud. 

7. Anyway, I have the right to drive down the road without being harassed by cops, TSA, Red Coats, or any other group of villains and pirates. What the police officer did (while legal because this system is totally corrupt) is completely unlawful. As long as I cause no harm people don’t have a right to stop me from driving or driving while people are in a cross walk on either side of the road. As it turns out badges don’t grant extra rights so it’s not like cops are some exclusive group of people that have a right to stop me while driving. Seriously, this is Nazi Germany nonsense, and every time that you enforce the law you are actively participating in the wholly unnatural police state. 

8. Ok, next up are administrative hearings. This is also bogus. Administrative courts are part of a maritime system. It’s corporate maritime law. It’s not meant to be applied on the land to living flesh and blood people. I would have tried to explain this to the officer that illegally stopped me, but the police in general and NYPD in particular are known for violence and I felt threatened. Additionally, it’s really hard to tell people that benefit from this system that everything they are doing is unlawful, fraudulent, criminal, and ultimately a crime against humanity.  The problem is that the law forbidding me from driving through a crosswalk is unlawful and doesn’t apply to the natural flesh and blood living human being driving the car.  

9. You’re also supposed to have an accuser. I get to meet my accuser, and they are supposed to tell me the harm that I caused. I drove in a crosswalk. No one was hurt. No Corpus Delecti. Nada. So, again, another example of how your bogus maritime system denies me my rights as an American National.  

10. So, the whole court thing is also frustrating because the constitution guarantees a trial by jury. Where is my trial? I am going to have to pay to go through multiple administrative levels before I’m awarded or even presented the chance to be in front of a jury. That’s like a poll tax for justice. It’s so bogus and so unlawful it’s frightening.  

11. What I hope you understand after 3 pages of absolute frustration is that the current system is based on fraud. You have no authority over me as an American National causing no harm. The police and your office are being used as a means to extort wealth and property from everyday American Nationals for personal benefit and the benefit of oligarchs/aristocrats that actually run this country. Maybe most important though is this: I DON’T CONSENT. I don’t consent to any of it and I’m standing here as a belligerent claimant making sure you know that I see you acting in fraud, I see you extorting people, I see you acting without consent, and I see you violating multiple laws that actually govern this otherwise amazing Republic. 

12. Similarly, I’m going to plead not guilty under duress and without my consent because of the constant threat of force of the armed police officers you have in the world killing 1,000 Americans a year over victimless crimes.  Your form doesn’t have a “this law doesn’t apply to an American National” check box, but that’s the reality. It’s not that I’m “not guilty” it’s that your laws, codes, statues, acts, and other bullshit maritime codes aren’t meant for living flesh and blood people. So, the reality is I’m offering conditional acceptance of your terms, but only if you can show me where I agreed with full consent and disclosure in a legal and lawful contract to follow them. If you can’t provide that document I’m instructing you as a rightful beneficiary of the American Trust to perform your true duties as a trustee and administrator of said Trust to fully dismiss my case (and that of every similar case based in CORPORATE fraud). 

13. Ok, this is really the last one. If you’re having a really hard time figuring out that the system is broken just look at the scoreboard. 90% of America’s wealth rests in the hands of the top 10%. The whole system is designed to steal. You are currently participating in stealing and extorting so you should be intimately familiar with parts of how the con works. You are in a position of authority to change things for the better. Hopefully you open your eyes, awake to the crimes against humanity that you are participating in, and follow the only real law that’s out there: Do and Permit No Harm.      

Please do what’s right, 


So, what happens?  I go to my trial which is in New York.  So I take a train from where I live over to NYC.  I get to the court in Harlem.  I look around and wait.  The judge is a Latina woman who is pretty strict and doesn't take kindly to any bullshit thrown at her from any of the Harlem residents.  The cop is standing there and after they talk about no cell phones and rescheduling they start pulling people up there.

Every case before is roughly the same.  The judge says some stuff about the case.  The cop says a statement.  The person who had the traffic violation explains what's up.  The judge says there is enough evidence to find you guilty.      A few people had public defenders.  They would ask questions about the judges memory, but every single case that came to them was guilty.  As the time was proceeding I noticed that the cop started getting nervous.  I didn't understand why.  I'm not sure I still do.  But it turns out he was nervous because it was my turn.

I go up there.  The judge talks about the fine.  The cop starts reciting the stuff about my case.  I look over at him and he looks clearly alarmed.  I start staring at him and he starts sweating and you can hear nervousness in his voice.  As soon as he finishes talking the judge says something like "I find no evidence to support this claim.  Dismissed.  Mr. LASTNAME Please take your paper.  You are free to leave, but you must check in with the people outside right away."

Everyone else got to say something in their defense.  I didn't.  I just took my paper and left.  While I look at this as a serious win I'm also thinking that I should have taken a moment to yell at the judge and the officer for pulling their scheme off.

Anyway, ticket free now.  I still hate pigs.  I'm still going to avoid them.  If I happen to get a ticket while accidently not obeying their state statutes I think I have a pretty good defense that's at least worked once (and half, but that's another story).  I lost my receipt, but if people are hungry for details on this post I suppose I could write the court and get another copy of the receipt showing "dismissed" on it.

Um, also, I'm not an attorney.  This isn't legal advice.  This is my journal and I'm recording what I did.  Maybe you'll find something else that's cool while you're digging around in this rabbit hole.

Score: NYC RMV 0, Me 1


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Based on the story above you didn't actually make a legal defense and appear to have gotten lucky this time. Seems you've found a nice tactic to make it appear like you are going to be more trouble, grand standing, in their courtroom than the ticket is worth.

Honestly I don't see a coherent legal defense in what you wrote. Do you haves something better up your sleeve for next time? It appears like you are just redefining what is a law and legitimate without much consistency but instead as it suits your needs in the moment. I don't know how well that would have worked out for you if you the case hadn't been dismissed for lack of evidence.

That being said, I hate tickets for stupid shit like you described and encourage everyone to clog the system and fight them. I am glad to hear you won regardless of the method. I hope you never have to try that legal defense out again. Best of luck!

He isn't making a legal defense.

He is putting the judge on notice that he knows what the game is, which tells the judge that he has two realistic choices:

  1. Dismiss the ticket out of hand to avoid any record of what is going on
  2. Let the hearing proceed as normal and risk letting any and all law enforcement that is there getting a glimpse into what is really going on (as well as any onlookers... but cases for people that they know are going to be problematic tend to be somehow scheduled to take place once all other cases have been dealt with).

The judge took the easy (and smart, IMNSH Opinion) way out and simply dismissed the case out of hand, completely avoiding any potential record containing publicly queryable information.

Sometimes the best defense is letting them know that you know the game they are playing.

I absolutely love it.

I too have followed most of those you have mentioned as well as a few others here and there, doing my own research to validate their claims.

My ex wife used to be shocked at the stuff I did, and very surprised when those masquerading as a legitimate government backed down when challenged.

The big problem for most people is stepping past fear with the conviction that you are absolutely correct. When they sense no fear and you speak the truth, they tend to lose you case, dismiss it without letting you say anything, or otherwise find some way to drop it without allowing a public spectacle.

Great job! So much to learn to apply these concepts properly.

They are the only ones out there that can actually screw with your life. You got lotsa trigger happy ones down there too

Great post! I found this post by searching for Winston Shrout in the search box. Looks like W.S is heading for a prison cell for a few years. http://www.oregonlive.com/portland/index.ssf/2017/04/man_who_failed_to_pay_taxes_fo.html
As for Scott Bartle, the Australian with the Corvette issue, he ended up handing over the FRN's to obtain the car as it was going to be sold to cover costs.
Dean Clifford's has not being leaved alone, as he wants to be.
Wesley Snipes spent some time in Federal jail due to to the A4V mindset.
It all sounds good in theory but standing in a courtroom saying I'm not the all caps name with all the rest of it all is quite the challenge, but never quite works as planned!

I've had mixed results. Won some traffic ticket fights. Got stuck in others. They don't like to admit this stuff.

I have seen several persons fail badly and have had court costs against them.
I got a parking ticket from the local council and I requested the photo. I was supplied a photo and it failed to show any no parking signs in the photo, so after 4 letters to the local council asking what signs are they talking about, they cancelled by licence due to non payment. I elected to going to court and a date was set. Three weeks later the council removed their claim from the court, a $60 fine that increased to $190 and most would have just paid.
All I was going to use was the rules of evidence, as they had no evidence they had no case as the photo failed to show any signs that I allegedly breached.

Well, I'm pretty sure that all these courts are corporations. And they have no actual right to rule me. No more so than a walmart court. So, however it's done resistance is the right answer (short of killing people).