RE: Why I stopped driving Uber

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Why I stopped driving Uber

in law •  9 years ago  (edited)

Depends on where you live too. I drove for Uber for 2 years in Houston. The citizens/police relationship is good here so they're not out to get you as often. I had what I perceived to be an investigatory stop when I was speeding. He allegedly clocked me at 87 on a 60, but I was watching my speed closely and really believed this was off. However most people know what you believe really doesn't mean shit to them. But I knew he wasn't really looking for speeders, so I presented myself in such a way that he let me off, because I knew I wasn't what he really was looking for.

Nonetheless this is a very important point. There is way more risk with Uber than it is worth. I made a post about driving for Uber. It was my first blog post on here. Imagining there was no risk whatsoever, just the economics behind it alone should steer anyone away. There is no money in it.

It's a huge scam that I believe was created by globalists to advanced some agenda.

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Right I wasn't targeted for being an Uber driver just wrong place wrong time. When they saw I was driving uber they let me go with a warning.