From the Crow's Nest of the North America, Counter-White Supremacy Report, Volume 19, 2023

in law •  2 years ago  (edited)

Intelligence, military, police and bikers, ALL wore/ wear Nazi symbols for the past two decades (none can prove this statement false).

Some North American organisations and localities have been compromised for much longer ..usually where bigotry persists.

COOL new (old VHS) of Camp X related material

..History Channel is the enemy's production vehicle for the past two decades. I have not watched television since it lied to me in 2001 (three buildings, two planes and one long drawn-out murderous lie).

Cool, the presenter thinks Ian Fleming's group is titled 30AU for "Thirty Assault Unit" about it stands for Dirty Gold?

The Camp X presentation, the one with the Sinclair "Farm" photo slide. A Margaret Sinclair later becomes Marge Trudeau, the American lawless pirates "Large Marge and Jarge Trudeau", Margaret and Pierre-Elliot. PET's father's 1930's photo, resembles a young American General Arthur Trudeau.

From the Crow's Nest of the North America, Counter-White Supremacy Report, Volume 2, 2022

The sound of Canadian me, removing American feces from the fields and rivers Americans forgot they buy their bottled water from.

The video is incorrect, it shows the face of Yves Buteau while talking about the murders committed by Yves Trudeau.

As any investigator should do ..there are two Yves with similar surnames and the SAME name, is this a real coincidence?

Trudeau and Buteau do not look the same, one is a scrawny hitman that always seemed to escape, the other somewhat hefty. Trudeau being guilty of forty-three murders, only to die himself in a hospital ..victims of North American white supremacy need to know why.

One thing that seems notable about Yves Trudeau, his lifetime suggests he held no particular allegiance nor hate toward any groups, he killed members of any organisation. The lack of allegiance to MCs, is supporting character evidence, that he had government ties and explosives/ demolition training, such as was once practiced at the Camp X training facility, suspected meeting-place of American Trudeaus and Sinclairs, at the "farm". The most logical remote deduction possible, without access to documents nor the thoughts behind lying faces.

Says "Trudeau was the first Hells Angels from a CANADIAN chapter to receive the Filthy Few patch" ..that also suggests he was of American origin, actively participating in CIA/ Nazi war criminal Green Berets operations in North America.

I did not have the connection between the American General Arthur Trudeau and the forty-three time murderer, Yves Trudeau law for him? ..oh that is true, bigot French Canadians did not want legitimate courts and the rule of law ..the intellectual property of which belongs to the British monarchy, since it began delegating legal matters to courts of our peers, during the thirteenth century with the publication of the "Magna Carta."

The majority do not know there is a difference between freedom and liberty, one tries to defy the laws of physics and fair-play while the other prepares for them.

Not everyone can check this part for clues to a Trudeau connection with murder for hire, in French.

Do you know what marks Saint Anne de Beaupre from other cathedrals? ..people leave their crutches and injury/ illness related objects. The man used to receive his "work" orders there, I would have to say ..the Nazi peckerh34ds in North America have handicapped more than their fair share. The list of perpetrators includes ALL of the traitors who wore Nazi symbols for the infiltrating American white supremacist enemy, during the past two decades of global war.

That is a lot of Nazi garbage in one place.

Note to Canadians and the bad people they helped, the American infiltration:

You realise you (CIA, IRA, FLQ, etc...) killed our Canadian families over your f**kin' jobs and contracted silence while working for the enemy of law abiding Allied nations? ..the Nuremberg Defense (doing their job). Start being a useful part of the solution or D13 with your Nazi pals. The Canadians even want to kill now, you are finished 455holeZ, D34D Nazi-peckerh34ds.

I told you to stop, every day of more than two decades ..the guilty cannot escape the series of actions and unfolding situations they unleashed ..when they began neglecting the targeted victims two decades ago.

Any idea the tortures that await Nazis and turncoats that helped those who wore the symbols for two decades?

..the worst will be defecating munitions on the lawn, others the letters QWERTY from their family-destroying keyboards.

Torture for American Nazis and their hired goons of every cultural heritage, anything less would be uncivilised.

U wish I were Russian, I am your worst nightmare (I know how lethargic and full of shit bigots are). I am Canadian, French, Irish, Polish, German, Spanish, Native American and genetically Mongolian since the twelveth century, when Poland was invaded by Genghis Khan. I am as Asian as the blond and red-haired that carry the SAME genetic markers in their less visibly evident state. So understand ..or continue H8ing yourselves.






Why the five digit numbers in first and second world war statistics? ..the average limit of many mechanical computing devices at that time in history ..most commonly five (tens of thousands) and maybe seven orders of magnitude in decimal (millions).

Look at the big smile, on the traitor's face while he is surrounded by the American white supremacist infiltration. He was leading the modern equivalent of the American "Bunde" party of the 1930's (German for bunch), the bigot brigade that hide behind the term "Conservative."

Poor Willy, born into supporting global Nazism for two decades what? ..he and his Nazi-helping pals are going to cough up the victims they ate for two decades? ..not bloody likely. We probably have to fight it out to the death over their maintaining dishonourability, the continued neglect denying millions of victims, allowing piracy to destroy our families and countries indefinitely.

Intelligence, military, police and bikers, ALL wore/ wear Nazi symbols for the past two decades (none can prove this statement false).

Some North American organisations and localities have been compromised for much longer ..usually where bigotry persists.

How many are guilty? ..of working TOO hard for the enemy? ..of not sabotaging their daily impositions? ..MILLIONS of North American and Commonwealth turncoats that ate Muslims for two decades while profiting of war crimes alongside the enemy.

American Nazi and White Supremacist Invasion of Canada Confirmed

Land-grabbing French unilingual terrorists and Nazi-helping empty-headed garbage came in droves to lie in groups, destroy and profit from their victims.

Presented from the Native perspective, handy ..thank the heroic native females, on the front-line as always.

Your Nazi symbol-wearing constables and detectives are going to die of tools, torture and broken craniums ..since you guys seem to think a neglected cranial fracture is not a big issue, for more than fifteen years ..your turn, Nazi fucks and traitor garbage.


I am READY, to cut their Nazi fingers off for having helped the enemy to kill my family, while they pointed firearms at the victims.

Nazi pecker-heads are expecting to retire in peace, more like pieces, that is the plan.

Perpetrators wanted to play Nazi pecker-head for two decades, wearing Nazi symbols under their armour while driving FORD patrol cars ..DEAD NAZI CROOKS ..point finale.

Riendeau = tueurs d'enfants (group of manipulators causing two infanticides)

Levert = voleurs d'enfant (group of manipulators having stolen one son)

Trottier = voleurs de terrain (group of manipulators that have my family's possessions)

I am not yet one hundred years old you pieces of shit, so you cannot abuse that excuse like the majority of North Americans, bad people and lethargic humans.

Holocaust-denying mindless piles of shit, D13 MFers, FASTER.

Each day the majority work for the enemy and I have to walk. After two decades, I am ready to hand a brochure for wheelchairs, to the Nazi lawyer assigned to "defend" victims.

I have bruises atop bruises on my palms, training into my hands, no punching bag here ..the hardening is fast though. In the morning, my fingers and hands sound like leather jackets. I am supposed to be the keyboard jockey but I have to do every job here, like beat up the Nazi symbol-wearing bullies because no one else has.

The bad guys used ball bearing-filled gloves, firearms and balaclavas, wearing not less than three Nazi symbols under their armour while driving FORD patrol cars ..D34D N4Z1 P3CK3RH34DS.

Hmm, clue ..what does reconnaissance in Vietnam entail? ..I have an idea how Canadian reconnaissance in Holland was conducted during WWII.

I am expecting to find a Vietnam story, about Nazi war criminals and their lingering Nazi "Verevolf" sons, training the Montagnard traitors to fly, to monitor and destroy their own countrymen ..anything for a dollar and to avoid being shot by the invading enemy.

Korea is the beginning of the infiltration by the "Bigot Brigade" Forces, that is what I call them. I remember that Korean war veterans were not the same type of people as the veterans of WWII (we could never pin-point what was wrong with the individuals we know more about what they did alongside the "AmericaniZed" Nazi war criminals and the bigot brigade).

GOING WEST clean up and be rid of their lingering Nazi peckerheads.

Time to remove Korean war plaques and the names of bigot brigade members, from Canadian war monuments.

Eat shit and die Nazi bitches, I remember each and every one of you. U wanted 2 b a Nazi, you are going to have a very bad day. White, yellow, red or black people that helped them, are going to have a very bad day also.

YOU FAT NAZI North Americans starve your victims each day, you will die fast MFers, like a fuckin' train hit YOU.

Maudite tete dure de calice, you are going to die, with your Nazi-helping pals.

Imagine, as a Canadian I can spell Massachusetts and Mississippi, the first time.

They were not Germans but Nazis, Axis nation pirates, lawless types ..of course, there is usually a runaway mob majority that support authoritarianism (piracy, lawlessness and lethargy), such as during the past two decades in North America. In EVERY nation, there were lethargic people who indulged bigotry in sociopathic groups, rather than defence of human dignity.

I am going to stop or DESTROY, as many traitors that wore Nazi symbols as I can. If you want to save guilty people, beg for them to have a cage.

The problem, the MAJORITY of the French Canadian populace, never wanted the rule of law EVER, especially not those abusing authority to destroy and erase our families. DIE NAZI FUCKIN GARBAGE ..vous etes trops, des parresseux et des tetes vides ..des grosses tetes de Mickey Mouse.

DIE choking on the Muslim victims you ate and cannot possibly digest, you traitor and pile of garbage to burn.

There are Nazis "there, there, and there" on the North American continent, the people we paid to keep us safe wore Nazi symbols for at least two decades. DEAD MEAT..taking money for helping the enemy and making a career of looking the other way, failing to denounce the injustices while ensuring the tragedies never cease, nor did perpetrators allow the destitute too acknowledge their victim-hood. The majority and the worst perpetrators, deserve to suffer like the victims they neglected for profit.

Donovan was the founder of the American bigot brigade's CIA. No law, centralisation and piracy imposed through dishonour for hire and contracted silence.

Le Petit Poussin, a role I rehearsed for a school play (Buckingham Elementary School), about a young character not yet big enough for his comically large and mannish boots. North America has needed a legitimate security organisation, for the past two decades. Eight decades of bigot brigade infiltration are uncovered, what lay under the rug of fraudulent claims legitimised by the sociopathic majority, the perpetrators.

The "bad guys" treated me worse than a dog for two decades, hence their carpet of fraudulent claims being torn up and exposed.

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