My latest unfortunate, unjust experience with the law..

in law •  9 years ago 

Pigs fucked me.. Again, in the worst way, recently..

TL;DR: I got falsely arrested, accused of some actions I DID NOT do , was beaten as well as tortured, was not able to fight it and am now a felon because of it.

We are not free, and if you believe you are, you're seriously ill.
Having "freedoms" does not make you "free."

If you stuck with me, thank you for taking an interest.


I was coming home one day from a friend's house. Got a knife pulled on me by one of the many bums around our area.. He wanted my wallet. I told him I was going to grab it and to just relax, that it was in my other pocket..
Hit the gas right as the light turned green (luckily turned instantly).
Drove perfectly fine, no infractions..
Pull left at an intersection into the gas station where I see an officer (I had had prior bad experiences with police, but I felt someone threatening lives through open windows sanctioned me letting someone know, dumbest thing I could have thought.. Period.. Pigs are NOT your friends or there to help you, this proved to me in the ultimate way that it's true of all the bastards.) as someone's burning out at our freshly green light..
So when I pull into the gas station and park perfectly fine. I approach the officer and tell him that there's a man with a knife trying to rob people down the road.

He IMMEDIATELY gets aggressive with me and tells me he needs to see my license and registration right now and that I'm under arrest for "reckless driving." I tell him, "No, I am not.. I know my rights, you can only legally detain me and give me a ticket for a day in court. I've dealt with this type of situation years ago." He tells me, "No, I'm placing you under arrest.." So I start to walk past him toward the door to the store, he reaches out to grab my arm, but before he makes contact, I juked my body out of his way and slid past him, never making contact.
I immediately go in and tell the cashier (who I know to be the owner, but he's foreign and didn't really know the law too well, most americans don't even know their rights, so I wasn't surprised.) that this officer is infringing upon my rights and attempting to arrest me for something he doesn't have the right to and ask if he would please call the station and have a different cop come down to get him in line.. Just after asking for help, the officer comes in the store and tells me I'm now under arrest for "battery on LEO and resisting w/violence"... both felonies.. both something I did not commit.. As he enters and announces that, I try to run past him, but he grabs me quickly and puts me in a headlock and starts choking me out.. I'm yelling out to the owner and the other cashier to please help me or to get some help.. nothing.. of course.. I can't blame them though.. They probably feared standing up to an officer in fear of consequence and their livelihood.. So I cannot blame them. Just would have been nice if they had known the law and sheltered me from a corrupt piece of shit until someone with some decency would (hopefully) showed up and talk things out. Of course, once I'm in the headlock, he drags me out of the front doors, I manage to break his grip and run, but he's holding firmly onto my wrist and then I feel another officer grab my other wrist and immediately stop resisting and let them drop me to the ground while saying "Ok, I'm not resisting, I will comply, please stop hurting me though.."
A reasonable request.. Met with a knee sharply between my shoulder blades and a couple of head-bashes to the pavement. Followed by being cuffed not only on the wrists, but the legs as well and THEN having them cuffed together. "Hogtied" and picked up and tossed into the back of the squad car.. No a/c.. Heat of FL..

I overhear the officer tell the other how they'll cover his story and that they'll work the story out when they get to the station.. I was met with nothing but insults as we head to the station and music turned to deafening levels to drown out my asking for a window down at least, to cool down my body. This wasn't even the worst of it.. When I got to the jail, I was approached with an utterly disgusting attitude by the intake officer. A real piece of shit.. I get through it though and into the next room. Then I'm put in a chair to wait to fill out forms and other bs. This enormous asshole of a woman approaches me and I only say this because of the following. She comes over and tells me to lean over so she can take the cuffs off (sitting in the chair, cuffs behind back) so I lean forward and she puts all her weight on my back (bitch was HEAVY..) and shoves my head into my lap. Hurting my spine.. I tell her "Can you please not push my back so hard, that's really hurting me.." She sharply replies "Shut the FUCK up!" and proceeds to shove my head back down in the same manner, a little harder. I turn my head and look back at her and say "What the fuck is your problem bitch?" and she says "What the fuck did you call me?" and tells the other guards I'm being "unruly" or some bullshit (after basically being assaulted twice, being kind after the first one in case she just didn't realize she was hurting me) and that it looked like I was going to spit on her... Which I never had the intention to or even made my spitting face. Maybe she just mistook the disgusting face I gave her for being such a sad excuse for a person as me about to "spit" who knows.. They then proceed to put me in this.. chair thing.. If you can even call it that.. They cuffed my hands behind my back, there was an indent in the chair for arms to go, they cuffed my legs to the chair.. Tightly. and the chair was angled on the seat so that it dug into my thighs mid-thigh. I told them that it was really painful and they said "That's the point!" and laughed.. Sickeningly.. They tell me I'm going to be in there for about 20 minutes. Around 5-10 go by and I've lost feeling in my feet and my thighs and my shoulders are on FIRE.. I've never felt a pain like that in my life. I shouted out, asking "How much longer do I have in here? I'm in a LOT of pain!" Only response I get is them mocking me and laughing about it.. and apparently (as I'd come to find later) putting more time on my time to be in there. So I'm in excruciating pain by 15 minutes and it's only getting more unbearable. Not to mention I have this thick "spit mask" on me reflecting my hot breath on my face...

Happy, sadistic p.o.s eating his donuts while mocking me. :(

I beg and plead to at least see a doctor because my feet have gone cold with no circulation...
This has to be the most disgusting piece of shit doctor, disgrace to his profession, I've EVER seen (first hand) and I've seen some fucked up doctors/nurses.. He basically just looks at me through the glass, about 6-8 feet away, give me a "thumbs up" after doing absolutely nothing to check on me, then proceeds to laugh with the guards at me while I'm suffering. Hour goes by.. I'm begging them to please let me get out of the chair and that my body is being destroyed, pain like nothing I've ever felt before.. Unbearable.
It's met to no avail, just more mockery and time added..
2 HOURS later (about 3 1/2 hours total in the chair, bound), basically once the shift changed and I was able to be approached my someone who wasn't a corrupt, disgusting piece of shit.. I was heard out, told I had around 30 minutes left according to the last people's log and that I would be released a bit sooner if I just remained calm. I was more than happy to know that at LEAST this person wasn't some sadistic fuck that just wanted to watch me in pain. He actually seemed genuinely concerned for me.. When they FINALLY released me from the chair.. My shoulders were shot.. My feet had gone completely numb.. My thighs felt torn, stuck with a knife, like a complete fucking highly acidic gelatinous mass.. I can't even find the words to describe it. They ask me to stand.. I can't.. They help me up. They ask me to walk, I start to tear up in the eye and tell them I can't even move my legs at ALL.. They assist me in walking and try to help get the blood flowing well again. I stumble my way over to take a seat, uncuffed now and just happy to be through that hell, but still in excruciating pain.
I can say, honestly.. I NEVER in my life not ONCE could ever relate to being kidnapped and tied up and in pain, with what seems like no hope to even live in the future as you aren't sure if you'll die or not in your situation... Until this day (about a year ago~).

The chair was similar to this, but a bit worse..

It bred a new kind of hatred for corruption unlike anything I'd ever felt before.
Knowing that they've done much worse to innocent people, just pissed me off to no end..
It released that ever-wavering doubt about whether I should stand up and fight back against corruption, or just roll over and take it.. I decided never again.

My court date came and they released me ROR (allowed to walk myself out), they charged me HALF of MY money in my possession when they arrest me, so I only got half back upon leaving (was never informed I'd be extorted immediately for having someone else's will forced upon me. disgusting.).. -.- Are you fucking kidding me? EXTORTION ALERT, EXTORTION ALERT That's when I knew I was done..
Done with a broken, oppressive system.
Done with "justice" in the eye of the corrupt beholders.
Done with being ruled.

Court goes on for OVER a year, as the officers change their stories multiple times.. First they say they didn't see me make the turn, that the officer simply heard tires screech and I was the first person he saw and that I was pulling in fast (but he even said I pulled into the spot correctly and everything) and I was being reckless. Then proceeded to tell them that he approached me and asked for my license and registration and I told him "I don't have to give it to you" (which I didn't, legally, as I had broken no law. He simply assumed I had, which was not the case.) and that he grabbed my arm (which he never made contact..) and that I "batted his arm away against his will." -.- Lying sack of shit.. And that I resisted violently when he attempted to arrest me (another lie, he put me instantly in a choke hold and I merely threw my arms out to the side asking the store workers for help. not once attempting to forcibly remove his hands/arms from my neck.) and attempted to run. He had lied on multiple accounts.

At this point, I had my lawyer pushing him and at disposition after disposition, he lied, but in different ways..

The transcript from the 1st to the 2nd showed him changing the story about not seeing me make the turn, NOW all of a sudden, after a month or so, well after it was fresh on his mind and he had convinced himself of something else to cover his ass, he supposedly now saw me make that turn.. And that I had not batted his hand away! (Very fucking odd hm? Now I didn't hit your hand? Now you tell the truth on that part?) but the resisting remained the same. At a 3rd disposition, now I "batted" his hand off of me again and now he saw the turn as well. Took him 3 months to get his false story straight? Pathetic.
After about another 6-8 months of paying for a lawyer among other things.. There's finally some light supposedly. My lawyer thinks that she can get it all thrown out based on an illegal arrest (as he DID NOT see me make the turn, as that was his initial statement which had been changed multiple times) and they had no right to attempt to arrest me to begin with. Somehow.. Judges shoot this down and won't throw it out. -.- (Covering for their corrupt, piece of shit, officers, no doubt.) So we decide what the next course of action is and based on what evidence is lacking (video at crucial points, certain angles, etc..) my lawyer says if I take it to trial it probably won't go well for me AT ALL since this is an officer claiming that a citizen performed a battery on them and resisted violently. She tells me that unfortunately.. The chances of successfully fighting that and winning would be next to non-existant as she knows the court system isn't fully "just" as it should be.. (Corrupt judges in league with a corrupt DA, in league with crooked cops.. Disgusting racket.. All to extort us at any chance they get..) So she starts to see what deals the DA will offer.

Basically they work out a deal where I get one reduced and one "withheld" (supposedly won't show up in background searches, but bullshit as I'd later come to find out in searching for jobs.. It showed up.. As a now felon, absolutely ridiculous..) and I'm to serve 12 months felony probation with a possibility to get off early if I complete my 50 hours community service and a 4 hour "victim impact panel" (as fucking if, fucking pig. "Victim") class as well as pay around $10,000 in "court costs" and "fines" and that I'd have to pay to be on probation each month and pay for any testing they do on top of that.
Yea right, fuck that shit..
So with my lawyers telling me that they think this is the best course of action, I decide that if my lawyer doesn't even have faith in fighting the corruption and she knows that they'll just drag me through the mud.. I accept a deal and now become a felon with a reduction of "simple battery" for the battery on an LEO. I am currently on probation still and I'm nearing 4 months in.. Nothing paid, no community service done, no "victim" impact panel, nothing changed. Nothing is going to either, I'm fed up with this disgusting country and the nasty direction it's heading toward and the amount of murder committed by our "protectors" against our people every single day.. ESPECIALLY those racist piece of shit cops who have been killing minorities over NOTHING more than their desire to kill people of color and the knowledge that our nation is so corrupt, they will do an "internal investigation" and find themselves to be "acting as they should" since they "feared for their lives" and that "nothing was done incorrectly" and just give those lowlife son's of bitches paid vacations.
I'm over it all.

I'm going to leave the country when I have a comfortable amount and NEVER look back..

America is NOT great and it NEVER has been. It's always been a system of oppression and theft and extortion and of financial slavery that's meant to benefit the rich and keep the poor and middle class in decline..
If you have your eyes open, you know all too well that our government is not necessary and that it is simply a bleeding machine of extortion with a thirst for blood that will never be quenched. The best thing we can all do to start out, is to stop paying taxes.. ALL of them. We owe this government nothing, it owed us, and failed us, many a time. We've given and given and given and yet, NOTHING has changed, it's, in fact, worse than ever..
No longer will I contribute a DIME or an ounce of care or regard to such a disgusting gang of criminals. The bankers are the biggest crooks and until we abolish our government and all banks and the oppressive standing army that is known as "the police", and lock them all up, we will NEVER be free.

Thanks for reading, this was merely an account of some unjust stuff that happened to me not too long ago that I'm dealing with and I felt like this would be a decent place to share as I'd seen others with the same sentiment, that they had been treated incredibly unjustly or discriminated against for making decisions with their own body, and have suffered and paid a cost that is in no way "just."

It's sad when this is what we're offered as "protection" by a monopoly.. Go figure though.. This country was always run by pieces of shit and will now only ever again be "ran" (they have no actual power.. simple as that.) by puppet pieces of shit.

Truly sad..

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I'm in utter shock..
I did not expect such a response from so many people..
I appreciate you all SO MUCH!
I feel such support from this community.. It's an incredible feeling to know that other people care about your life and your story and are so readily willing to support you in whatever ways they can. Steemit has been a blessing for me, I've honestly just enjoyed posting, getting feedback, meeting new interesting people and hearing about their lives and giving them feedback, the upvotes just make it that much more gratifying to know my writings are appreciated! You mean the world to me Steemates!

Consider South America if you're willing to learn Spanish.

I already know a slight bit, I can ask what people's names are and how they're doing, ask where to get a bite to eat or some water, the basics. I definitely want to learn it more in-depth though, it's been on my list for a while, as I find the latin culture to be quite exquisite and I would love to be able to visit a Spanish-speaking country and converse fluently with the locals. :) Thanks for the input! As of right now, it's looking like either European or South American for my options.

I know so many people who've been accused of shit they never did. It's so sad to see their lives destroyed. Also seems like once you're in the system you're always in the system.

That's definitely the case.. Now I get profiled even worse than I already did for "looking like a bad person" to the police.. or that I'm "up to something" when I'm just taking a walk.. It's ridiculous and I feel so badly for anyone who's getting the worse end of it.. I consider myself lucky just to not be in prison for 10-15.. So many others didn't even have a shot and it's truly sad.. :/

Yup that's so True!! Thank god for your luck!! I just hate that real criminals don't get what they deserve but people who are wanting to comply and haven't done a damn thing wrong don't stand a chance. What the hell is wrong with people!


Europe's not any better. There's cops walking around with rifles everywhere. There's no hope for this whole world. Even if you move to Antarctica, they'll swat raid your home for not following regulations.

That may be true, the world as a whole seems to be heading towards more totalitarian regimes.. What scares me the most is technology and their ability to mass-produce killer drones and shit. :/ They don't even have to face us any more to kill us.. It's sad and sickening.. I believe that to an extent to, that they would chase me even if I leave all of society. Thanks for the feedback!

I think of moving somewhere remote and where there's no society also, but I figure some military will eventually test some weapons of mass destruction there. There's no inch of this planet that they won't destroy. It's depressing to think that our whole lives are controlled and there's nowhere to escape.

Honestly, I want to be one of the first to go to another planet and inhabit it.. I feel that's the only way I'll have peace from government's trying to force their will on me.. Even then, you're right.. It could only be a matter of time before they come to oppress me again or try testing some new type of weapon that travels through space. I just wish there weren't people who wish to keep others down or control them.

join IWAW (intergalactic workers of all worlds.) and we will crush them together comrade

I upvoted You

this is what happens when you give the rich this much power.....america is not a democracy it is an oligarchy

I definitely is.. I see it as the ruling class, their minions, and their corrupt extended arms of the law sent out to carry out the oligarch's will. It's truly sad that so many are deceived and indoctrinated into believing they're "free" or that they have all this "opportunity." Simple fact of the matter is, you can NEVER have a financial system that's "equal" when people are allowed to pass massive wealth down through generations.. It means that while little Billy is growing up in the hood, mom barely able to feed him.. That little Johnny is inheriting assets and being guaranteed whole companies or trust funds by his elders.. What equality is that? Where's the equal chance? There is no equality in capitalism, only greed! Thanks for the reply!

oh a fellow leftist I see? The problem is not just the starting money. As science has shown those brought up in richer households have a higher IQ. This study was done on adopted children proving that it was because they were rich they were smarter not rich because they were smarter. A smart ruling class can only be taken down by a smarter working class. We must unite and learn the system we live in.


Thank you for the support mate! :)

Crazy story, man. Actually an enjoyable read, just a shame you put the TLDR at the top of the page!
I can't speak for american officers but it's way different over in the UK. FWIW there's FAR less violence from officers towards civilians. Sad state of affairs, man!

Thank you for taking the time to read it! So, TL;DR is bad at the beginning? Put it at the end? Noted! Sorry I gave away the main plot before you read it! :P That's what I've heard, tbh, I've heard and read articles comparing the UK to the US and the statistics showed that UK officers fired (FIRED, not kill with or maimed..) their guns less than 200 times or so in the past 10-15 years, when necessary.. Whereas US police are killing our people DAILY now :/ Not even justified either, they profile our people and discriminate against those of color.. I truly feel for those people who've been targetted. Especially now that I've had a much worse taste of the shit pudding that is "law enforcement." Thanks for the comment and thank you for the support!

oh ... it's sad. I understand your feelings.
If you want to move, then look closely to Europe countries. In no event shall is not being examined Russia. There is even worse than you describe.

Thanks for the empathy mate, it's just been a rough year or so and I'm ready for something completely new.. Not just a change of states, I want a change of lifestyle..
Trust me, I'm already looking at a lot of European countries, as I've heard some of them are the best to live in, I just need to make sure all the laws are in place for the type of lifestyle I wish to live. I hear Russia is one of the worst for corruption and injustices and that in a lot of parts, it's almost kill or be killed (sometimes literally, sometimes metaphorically.) on a daily basis. I do still wish to visit, as I've also seen the brighter side of Russia and the beauty it has to offer, but I will for sure look into my options as best I can and maybe even try to find someone who lives in the country I wish to move to on here and build a new friendship so that I'm not completely alone in a new country.

Thank you for your input! :)

Yes, I understand you.
I've long been thinking to move from Russia. I consider the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Germany. Yes, one will be difficult, but it is much lighter than there is now.

You know, we jokingly say, "From Russia did not emigrate. From Russia - evacuated."

I understand that. I hear Germany is really nice, plus I LOVE beer.. So that could potentially be my new home. Would just have to do a bit more research. I already know a slight bit of German though, so that might make it a bit easier. :)

Haha, "if the shoe fits!" so they say! If to some it is evacuation, then I wish them better lives, for those who emigrate, I'm glad they didn't consider their lives something they need to "escape" from. :P

  ·  9 years ago Reveal Comment

I suppose so, it's just so unfortunate that this is what our "protectors" are resorting to. :/ Although, government breeds corruption when involved with money.. If there was no monetary reward for doing what's right other than that offered up to them AFTER doing a job well done, there would be much less of this. But some people have the mentality "I can control others AND get paid to do it?! Sign me up!" and that's probably the main issue.

Thank you for the reply, I'll check this out in a little bit when I get back home. :) Kinda gotta rush out the door, but don't worry, I checked the page out briefly and it looks like a worthwhile read!

Haha that's wonderful :P Thanks for the comment!

Bro do you know about the theory global governance?

  ·  9 years ago Reveal Comment