in law •  7 years ago 

Are you curious? intelligent? bold? smart? outspoken? detective? good in debates? love reading huge textbooks? a sage in winning arguments? loquacious? domineering? Intimidating? proud and cocky...? Then go and study law.

The foregoing are the qualities everyone thinks or believes a lawyer should possess in order to do well or thrive in the legal profession. People often misrepresent the court room as a place for a showdown. They believe some lawyers having researched the " uncommon, intimidating grammatical phrases " use them unsparingly on the opposing party in court without proper concentration or dissection of the subject matter or issues for determination.

It sure goes beyond that and becoming a lawyer is not as easy as hurling a morsel of porridge into your
it is not innate. Infact,there is nothing like a "born lawyer". You would have to work assiduously for it, going through a myriad of gruelling and oneous tasks to show yourself approved. Mere possession of the above mentioned qualities can never fetch you a strand of the most reverred ( legal) wig , needless to say the gown.

A cursory look at the stages involved before emerging a successful lawyer is one which is cumbersome- more like a herculean task.

As an undergraduate in the university, you are expected to read up judicial authorities (also known as cases) in the library,cases with different facts,scenarios, their applicable principles and ratio decidendi relevant to the topic in question. Rules, acts, laws, guidelines, legislations which are also known as statutory authorities are not shoved off. The bar aspirant (intending lawyer), is expected to literally cram throngs of both judicial and statutory authorities ,for each course, in order to get a well deserved score.

Moving swiftly to being a graduate. Congratulations on that scale but there is yet another. The person remains a bar aspirant and can only be referred to as a "lawyer ". His dream to finally practise in court as a Barrister and/or solicitor is harshly restrained by yet another hurdle- the law school.

Here, the rigorous training just became more stringent and the necessary rudiments of the study and practice of law is laid bare.Elaborate teachings ,elongated hours of learning,Intensive reading, memorizing,active participation in study groups,voluminous take - home tasks with little time for submission of same..phew! I can go and on .Worthy of mention is the final bar exams which are the true meaning of the word, "examination", in its strictest sense.


Yippeeee! Finally a lawyer,so much contentment and relaxation however momentary. "The reward for hardwork is more work" so they say. As a lawyer,more and more reading of good,well - crafted,practice driven books,late night studies ,purchase of law reports,studying online and researches which were quotidian occurrences before the call to bar, still subsists even stronger.

This is majorly owed to the fact that there is a dire need to be abreast with the necessary updates on legal principles,their changes and alteration, the utmost need to make clients happy and satisfied, the need to be successful and most importantly be fulfilled .

It has no bearing with being proud,domineering ,cocky or intimidating Stricto sensu.
Dont you just love the well esteemed legal profession?

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