Abortion - Is it really “A Women’s right to do what she wants with her body?” [Biased Op-Ed]steemCreated with Sketch.

in law •  5 years ago 

Abortion seems to be a hot issue as of late, especially in the United States of America. In this article I will attempt to analyze the entire Abortion Debate. Why people think it should be allowed, why people think it shouldn’t be allowed and the question of “Women’s Rights” as they pertain to Abortion.

What is an Abortion?

Simply put an Abortion is the termination of a fetus. With a fetus being a partially formed but as yet unborn collection of cells. According to many Democrat Liberals a fetus is just that a collection of cells. It is not alive and therefore has no rights.

Personally, I believe that at around 18 days when the Heart of the fetus starts beating it is A LIVING HUMAN BEING and should have the same RIGHTS as anyone who has been BORN.

Women’s Rights!

Most Pro-Abortion politicians and lobbyists will tell you that it should be a Women’s Right to choose what happens to/with/in her body. Of course these are the same people who support Gender Fluidity where you can be ANY SEX you want regardless of your BIOLOGICAL ANATOMY.

The real question, as it pertains to Abortion, shouldn’t be IF a woman has a right to an Abortion; but WHEN!

When does the Pregnant Women’s RIGHTS STOP and the UNBORN CHILD’S RIGHTS START? Why is no one ARGUING ON BEHALF OF THE FETUS? Why is it that some people believe/act like their RIGHTS trump SOMEONE ELSE’S RIGHTS?

Furthermore, why is it that when it comes to wether or not to get an ABORTION it is ENTIRELY UP TO THE WOMAN. What about the MAN’S RIGHTS? Shouldn’t the MAN have a SAY in whether his CHILD LIVES OR DIES?

Is Abortion Murder?

Pro-Abortion people will argue that UNTIL BIRTH it is not a HUMAN BEING and therefore HAS NO RIGHTS! Completely ignoring the issue of whether or not it is a LIVING BEING or if it is MURDER. All they seem to care about is THE WOMEN’S RIGHTS!

So ask yourself, when does LIFE START? Is it the moment the WOMEN’S EMBRYO is fertilized? Is it the moment there is a HEART BEAT? Is it when the BRAIN IS FUNCTIONING? Or is it when BIRTH OCCURS?

As previously stated I personally believe that when that FIRST HEARTBEAT occurs the fetus is a LIVING HUMAN BEING! So, terminating that beating heart is MURDER! It is no different than me walking up to a stranger on the street and shooting them in the heart and KILLING THEM. Do you think I could get away with CALLING IT AN ABORTION and not spend the rest of my life in PRISON????


Are there any circumstances where Abortion Should be Legal?

Well yes of course there are, there are exceptions to EVERY RULE (LAW) and Abortion should be no different. The same COMMON SENSE and LOGIC that has gone into constructing SOCIETY, GOVERNMENT and THE RULE OF LAW should be applied to ABORTION as well!

Abortion should be LEGAL if:

  • The pregnancy just occurred - IE a Morning After Pill!
  • The fetus has yet to develop a heartbeat!
  • There is less than a 25% chance that
    A. The fetus will survive until birth due to medical issues with the fetus or the mother, or
    B. The mother will survive the pregnancy due to medical issues!
  • The fetus is at a 75% or greater chance of having SEVERE PHYSICAL or MENTAL DISABILITIES after birth! Disabilities that would PREVENT the child that is born from ever being able to CARE FOR ITSELF or UNDERSTAND ITS RIGHTS!

But what if:

Q.) I was raped?
A.) If you were raped and wait more than 17 days to REPORT IT, GET CHECKED to see if you are PREGNANT and/or HAVE AN ABORTION then TOUGH SHIT - Have the child and give it up for adoption of you don’t want it!

Q.) I find out I am pregnant 3 months in?
A.) Have the child and give it up for adoption if you don’t want it!

Q.) My spouse/partner gets me pregnant then leaves me and I can’t raise a child alone!
A.) Have the child and give it up for adoption if you don’t want it!

What role should the government play?

Well for starters ROE vs WADE needs to be OVER TURNED so that Congress can enact the Common Sense Laws (listed above) for Abortion!

Then Planned Parenthood should be defunded by the Federal Government and a new Pregnancy Assistance Agency should be formed. It should be a FUND that provides FINANCIAL and MEDICAL ASSISTANCE to ANY PREGNANT WOMAN who “Can’t/Won’t HAVE AN ABORTION” but has NO DESIRE to KEEP THE CHILD. The FUND would INCENTIVIZE WOMEN to have the CHILD and GIVE IT UP FOR ADOPTION to a PERSON/FAMILY who CAN’T HAVE CHILDREN.

How would this PAA Fund work?

Well it would be connected to existing Social Service programs around the country like Medicare/Food Stamps/etc that are administered by the States but funded by the Federal Government. If you get pregnant and Can’t or Don’t want to have an abortion you can go to any Social Service center, show them proof of your Pregnancy and they will then provide you with Medicare Coverage for the length of your pregnancy and provide monetary assistance for any EXTRA EXPENSES you incur due to the pregnancy as long as you “SIGN OVER ALL PARENTAL RIGHTS” to the FETUS/CHILD and agree to HAVE AN STATE SANCTIONED ADOPTION AGENT there to take custody of the child AT BIRTH.

The PAA FUND would also apportion a set amount to cover ADOPTION AGENTS FEES for taking custody of the CHILDREN and caring for them until they are ADOPTED! The children that are born into the PAA program would also receive MEDICARE through the ADOPTION AGENTS until they are ADOPTED!


Make sure you follow me on Youtube @ VenusPCS!


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It was explained to me by a biologist that the fetus has a unique sequence of DNA separate from the mother ergo it is a separate life form not her body... the big question is when is it viable? To survive. Premees can live outside the womb at 5 months. So past that point. Its developed to be viable enough. Killing something with 46 chromosomes that arent your own past a simple cell org is a little sketchy... i think women should be able to choose prior to viabilty... very touchy subject...

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

I'm not saying that I'm pro abortion. But I don't know how you "a man" can just argue with me "a woman" if it's my right or not to do something with my body.

Do you really know how we feel when you tell us we can't do what we want... But you man can do whatever you please?

So let's make it clear... I won't tell you what to do with your body and you want tell me what to do with mine...

So raped woman have no rights TWICE ... Once when theirs body is being raped, when they feel unsecure, when they feel like living it's getting harder and harder, and when they can no longer trust anyone... And twice when you tell her she has to carry a child for nine months inside of her, the same child that will remind her when someone had the control over her body... And she won't be able to do anything about it.... Just live with the pain every day.... Just because she didn't do a abortion in 17 days??? Like really she has only 17days to understand how to stand up so you will let her go on with her life and recover from that hell??????

Is that what your telling me?


Secondly, I have been sexually molested as a child, raped as an adult and suffered far more abuse than almost anyone alive today so YES I UNDERSTAND what it feels like, physically and emotionally!