LawBreakers | Character and Class Overview

in lawbreakers •  7 years ago 

LawBreakers is an upcoming first person class-based shooter, the game borrows some elements from Overwatch and Unreal Tournament. Though this will be developer Boss Key Productions first game release, the company was co-founded by the notorious Cliff Bleszinski (Unreal Tournament and Gears of War) and the open betas have been pretty EPIC so far. However multi-player class based shooters always require a little bit of foresight and research for understanding the various roles you have the option of taking in the game.  This is my attempt at providing a comprehensive list of the character types and their weapons and abilities, so you can easily choose the character that fit your play style and that you will want to focus on developing your skills for. (Also I won't be covering Harrier because they are a post launch character, but depending on requests I can always make an article specific for that role after release) 

Please Check out my YouTube Review of the Beta! (Its here and at the end of the article:)

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> The Assassin class is equipped with two weapons, Arc Blades and a shotgun (called Romerus). The Arc Blades are a combination of taser machetes and have a grappling hook integrated into them that act as the blades alt. firing mode. This allows the Assassin to swing around much like spider man and can even hook onto enemies getting in closer for a fatal blow with the arc blades.  The Romerus is an energy based shotgun that can fire either single bursts of energy or be charged firing a full clip for increased damage. 


> The Assassin is equipped with Dash, Flux Blast, and Frenzy. Dash allow the player to strafe very quickly in the direction in which you are moving when activated, making avoiding projectiles and evading death when at low health a much easier task. Flux Blast is an energy impulse grenade that when deployed will quickly push enemies away from the blast and even displace projectiles and incoming fire, it's also quite useful for pushing enemies out of control points and other objectives. This can disorient their position allowing you to sweep down for the kill, while they scramble to figure out what just happened. Frenzy is a special that when activated allows the Assassin to deal damage around her proximity, so getting in close to an enemy will start the damage and your blades or shotgun will finish it. It also grants her the ability to see the outline of her enemies in red through walls, allowing her to get the drop more easily. Each kill will extend the overall duration of the special, so when timed properly and utilized to its full advantage could turn a whole match around.


> The Assassin is a fast paced and high mobility character that with her weapon and skill set is best suited for those who enjoy close range combat and are looking to traverse the battlefield quickly. With the Arc Blades alternative fire allowing her to swing into areas most other characters will never be able to. Also recommended for quick objective retieval due to her fast paced and stealth oriented character type.



> The Battle Medic is equipped with two weapons, a grenade launcher (called Lobber) and energy burst pistol (called Firefly). The Lobber has a main firing mode that allows detonation of the grenade projectile on impact with the environment or an enemy combatant, this is great for when needing to make direct contact with groups of enemies while hovering above them. It is also equipped with an alternative firing mode allowing grenades to bounce off of the environment before exploding, this is more useful when needing to hold an area or where you want to keep enemies away by making a choke point in the environment.  The Firefly pistol only has one mode of fire and is is suited well for enemies hovering in zero gravity, as it provides a more focused area of attack when compared to the Lobber.


> The Battle Medic also has a Hoverjet, Support Drones, and a Defense Grid. The Hoverjet allows omni-directional movement both in and out of zero gravity zones, and is useful to get in and out of areas quickly or to get above the enemy and use the Lobber to reign death upon them. You are also equipped with two Support Drones that enable you to heal up to two teammates without needing to be really close to them and not needing to leave a combat area, this is vital to still dealing damage to enemies and ensuring teammate safety at the same time. Lastly you have the Special Defense Grid which when activated makes a bubble shield that heals you and other allies inside it. It also effectively ejects enemies away from the bubble when activated, this can be used to ones advantage when trying to get multiple enemies away from a control point at once and increase the chance of survival and capturing the point.


> The Battle Medic is best suited for highly team focused players. The role is very useful as it has the ability to deal a good amount of damage while simultaneously healing allies. The jet-pack and Lobber can be used in conjunction very well in low gravity areas. Also a little bonus the Battle Medic can heal themselves automatically in period while not taking damage. So when handled in the correct manner the multiple talents of the Battle Medic can prove to be an essential member of any well structured team. 



> The Enforcer is equipped with an assault rifle (called Aerator) and electric based pistol (called Badger). The Aerator is an assault rifle made for stability in zero gravity and increases stopping power as magazine is depleted. The Aerator has no alternative fire but is a fairly power yet generic mid to long range assault weapon. The Badger is an interesting pistol side arm that instead of traditional ammunition fires electricity. The Badger, like the Aerator, offers no alternative fire mode but is very effective in close proximity.


> The Enforcer also has a Distortion Field, Electromagnetic Charge, and Bloodhound Launcher. The Distortion Field manipulates gravity surrounding the Enforcer allowing both him and allies the field to have increased movement, rate of fire, and reload speeds. Very useful when needing to flee from enemies quickly and allowing more damage per second with the increased fire-rate. The EMP is the perfect crowd control weapon, because of its effect of disabling enemy abilities.  Great for groups of enemies, rendering there movement abilities useless and allowing more time for teammates to focus damage in that area. The Bloodhound Launcher is the Enforcers Special, a shoulder mounted targeted rocket system. When locked onto an enemy this will fire a cluster of missiles that like a Bloodhound will seek out it's prey. Effective use would include locking onto one target (preferably a tank or high health character) launching missiles, then directing your main assault towards another enemy target.


> The Enforcer is a good assault support character for those who love run and gun style of games. With his Distortion Field active he is one of the fastest roles in the game. His Special ability allows for almost instant death when landed properly. He is a great character if you like being a lone wolf since his ability set really enables a more solo gameplay style.



> The Gunslinger has dual pistols at his disposal but in a much different format than you would expect. The pistol in the right hand is known as the Alpha Pistol and the left hand is the Omega Pistol. The Alpha Pistol fires short burst rounds that are lower damage, this pistol is most effective for use in zero gravity zones and when in closer proximity. The Omega Pistol fires a long range and accurate round of condensed and high damage energy, this takes a moment to discharge the energy so the weapon has a slower firing rate. These weapons are quite deadly when use properly together, perhaps using the Omega pistol from further away to lower the enemies health, then closing the distance and finishing the job with the Alphas quick burst fire.   


> The Gunslinger has a Warp, Tac Knife, and Equalizer ability set. Warp allows a Gunslinger to quickly teleport a short distance in any direction when activated. This is most useful to evade gunfire or closing the distance between you and an unsuspecting enemy. The Tac Knife acts as both a throw-able knife that deals damage while simultaneously emitting a radial effect allowing enemies location within the radius to be seen by all teammates, by making them have a red outline that can be seen through walls. Lastly the Equalizer Special allows the independent Alpha and Omega Pistols to act together in union, so when activated will fire continuous rounds for a short period of time, that deal high damage. 


> The Gunslinger Role is for players who like to be more versatile on the battlefield. The Alpha and Omega pistols allowing for both close and long range assault, while throwing the Tac Knife to identify enemy locations allowing you and your team to get the drop on them. Warping allows for fast traversal of the map which can help with getting objectives quickly however the Gunslinger is not the fastest character so Warps should most likely be saved for combat scenarios. Gunslinger is my personal favorite role to play as due to his very different style of dual wielding.  



> Juggernaut is only equipped with the Instigator shotgun, which has only one mode of fire. Though it only has one fire mode it is equipped with a powerful blade that can act as a strong melee weapon. The Instigator is also specialized with armor piercing rounds making it one of the most powerful close range weapons in the game.


> Juggernauts ability set includes Charge, Holo-Deflector, and Armor Protocol. The Charge ability allows the Juggernaut to sprint quickly, and when activated in the air will allow you to make a crushing blow to enemies. This is a good ability to run to objectives or get in front of teammates to absorb damage. The Holo-Deflector is a temporary damage absorbing shield that can be cast anywhere. The ability to cast it anywhere allows for the Juggernaut to close off paths temporarily and force enemies in a different direction. Lastly you have the Ultimate ability Armor Protocol, which allows him to use stored energy to make temporary armor boost so his defensive rises dramatically.


> Juggernaut is best suited for tank and defensive players, he is very skilled in defending objectives and close quarters combat. I wish I could give more specific strategies for him but he is by far the character I suck at the most. Although I'll say get creative with using his Holo-Deflector to make pinch points for enemies then get around the point quickly activating Armor Protocol and take out groups with the Instigator.



> The Titan class has two weapons at their disposal a rocket launcher (called Hammerhead) and a lighting canon (called Crisper). The Hammerhead rocket launcher allows for mid flight detonation, if the trajectory of the shot is off. It also doubles as a means of moving in zero gravity, you can fire towards the ground propelling you upwards and do a reverse fire to propel you further and faster (and maybe kill any enemies following to close behind). The Crisper allows for close range electric based damage. Best used when in tight corridors or in close zero gravity proximity. 


> Titan have the skills Pulverize, Neutron Mine, and Berserk. Pulverize utilizes a Titan's brutish strength allowing them to leap long distances, and crash down upon opponents with bone-crushing effects. The Neutron Mine is a throw-able mine that limits the movement speed of enemies within the detonation zone. Beserk the Titans Ultimate ability, when activated their already brutish strength and size is magnified, turning them into a monster for a short duration, while being able to focus electric currents flowing from their fingertips into a deadly weapon. 


> The Titan Class is best for offensive tanking, this is due to the high amount of damage dealing power they have and the higher rating of health. They are lower mobility characters but can use their Hammerhead to their advantage. Stringing together a well place Neutron Mine near a group of enemies along with the Hammerhead, Pulverize, Berserk, or even a combination of all of them should completely annihilate the enemy forces.



> The Vanguard has a gattling machine gun (called Hydra) and the Pulsar which is a melee blast created by redirecting thruster fuel into a concentrated blast. The Hydra is a powerful weapon that increases in rate of fire the longer its being fired. Both the Hydra and Pulsar can be used effectively in zero gravity and the Hydra specifically is unaffected by the fast speed that the Vanguards Afterburners can reach. Dealing mid range damage with the Hydra then using the afterburners to quickly get in closer followed by a Pulsar blast (which is almost like a shotgun) is an effective means of killing enemies.


>  The Vanguard abilities include Afterburners, Meteor Shower, and Starfall. The Afterburners allow for jet speed mobility in the direction of aiming, which has more control then most other roles movement abilities. The Meteor Shower fires a cluster of five grenades. This is very effective when used in conjunction with the Pulsar blast. Then there is the super powerful Starfall Ultimate, which allows for an areal survey of enemies before diving straight into them causing an explosion and temporary zero gravity field. Using the zero gravity field created to your advantage is vital, as most will not suspect the attack coming to begin with.


> The Vanguard is suited best for those looking for high mobility and a role that falls somewhere between a tank and damage dealer. They can be very fast when needing to get to objective points, and omni-directional thrusters allows for a great deal of control in zero gravity areas. So if your looking for one of the best roles to use in zero gravity areas, I would personally look no further than the Vanguard.



> Wraith is equipped with a fully automatic machine pistol (called Spektor) and mini katana (called Wasp). The Spektor is an extremely powerful pistol that only has one mode of fire however; although full automatic you can fire in shorter burst for increased accuracy. The Wasp is useful when an enemy has taken multiple shots and only needs a little help to his demise. One strategy is to use both weapons together, first dealing damage with the Spektor then using the Slide ability to get in close for the kill. 


> Wraith has the Slide, Stinger, and Chrono Switch abilities. The Slide ability can be used in both a forward kick or in a backwards evasive measure, as said above this is useful when combined with the wasp to get in close and deal a final blow. The Stinger is an ability that ejects a miniature blade from the Wasp, that can attach to an enemy and detonate after a couple seconds dealing more damage. If an enemy has taken a partial or full clip of the Spektor but you are to far away to slide and stab them, you can use the Stinger, and if they end up fleeing into a group of enemies you will kill the stung adversary and give his teammates a nice amount of splash damage. Lastly the Chrono Switch special when activated will slow down enemies that you hit with it. This is absolutely perfect when in zero gravity zones and aiming for a cluster of enemies as they will float slowly near each other allowing for you and your teammates optimal time to end them. Also it would be great to combine with the Stinger if available. 


> Wraith is best suited for those who like fast action, almost ninja like characters, and wanting to focus on close quarters combat. His fast pace and high mobility can allow for fast transport of objective items, while his arsenal is quite powerful and deadly. Chaining together his weapons and abilities is an essential part of learning Wraiths role, while his character is surprisingly easy to jump into it takes time to master. His slide and speed combined with knowing your maps health pick-up locations is helpful when in a low health state.


> Thank you all so much for the time you took to read through this article, I hope it has helped you out! If it did I would appreciate an UP-VOTE and would love to discuss the game in the comments down below .  Also once again you can watch some game-play footage and see my thoughts LawBreakers by checking out my YouTube Beta Review. 

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For some reason the post didn't format correctly lol?? but I've spent like 3 hours writing all of this out so I'm leaving it up!