Shreem Brzee Goddess Lakshmi Wealth Mantra Chanting for Varalakshmi Vratam 2017

in lawofattraction •  8 years ago 

Hi Friends,
many people in this world are suffering due to lack of wealth(food,water,home,money,spiritual knowledge).
The Goddess of Wealth Lakshmi is the wife of Lord Vishnu(God) and helps people by blessing them with material and also spiritual wealth.

Varalakshmi Vratam 2017 fell on 4th august 2017.
Vara means boon, so on this day the Goddess is more available to bless people who are living on the earth planet.
( to know the date for next year visit )

I did a Puja in my home and also chanted the Wealth Mantra "Shreem Brzee" while offering flower petals to the Goddess.
Listening to this sound again and again on a daily basis, blesses you with wealth.

To know more about the Lakshmi Mantra Shreem Brzee and get a free download to keep playing on your computer or phone:

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