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Your story is very interesting. What made you decide to live out of your backpack? Are you down sizing? I'm downsizing a lot of areas in my life.. But I still enjoy the comfort of a hot shower, food, a bed. But I admire your decision to do that. Because it sounds like you're having a good time and good experience. I always enjoy all your stories..

Let's just say that I left in an attempt to live a happier life, before depression would keep me from going away at all. I'm doing way better now, in Portugal, than I was doing in my home country, Holland. Sometimes taking (drastic) changes, is the best thing you can do.
Talking about downsizing: the more stuff, the more stress.

I'm glad you enjoy my stories :>)

Sweeet! I have an e-reader I got from a yard sale for $5.00. Haven't used it yet. Gonna bookmark that site. I have a couple Abraham-Hicks books but I never get anywhere with them. 🙂) I'm all about those youtube videos.

I have an e-reader I got from a yard sale for $5.00. Haven't used it yet.

What is stopping you?

I love the balance between reading and listening. I'm sure you will enjoy the E-books/ E-reading too
Just let go of the resistance ;>)

I don't have resistance to it. I just have literally hundreds of amazing physical paper books that I want to read, and I don't have any e-books that I want to read.

I've kind of discovered the joy of audiobooks lately and have been taking advantage of YouTube for a lot of my book time. It's been great! Also a lot easier on the eyes. :)

Also a lot easier on the eyes. :)

That is definitely one of my main reasons, especially since I stopped wearing glasses a couple of months ago.