Oh Max,
One part of my personality is a sense of humor that is dry at times, and a bit twisted the rest of the time- if that makes sense. Then, I went off and married a consummate wise ass who is incapable of having a serious conversation ;). A lot of what I write is based off of the serious and factual with a bit of story telling, and sick humor. So, yes, bits of the post are me being sarcastic.
I love my family. I wouldn't trade any of them for anything- including my crazy mom.
To answer your question: It's not a problem for me that they think I should have enough time to basically be a superhero housewife. I was raised by a feminist who taught me what can essentially be broken down by those song lyrics- You do you boo, because I'm most certainly going to do me.
I was also raised to speak up, use my voice, state my opinion, and walk away if it comes to that. As a matter of fact, I've already walked from one marriage when my ex became abusive and controlling. "Fair" is a 4 letter word not spoken in my family so I believe that what my in-laws think and what my husband thinks is exactly what an opinion usually amounts to. Nothing more.