Proactive Leadership Versus Reactive Leadership

in leaders •  4 years ago 

How does a person get the most out of their proactive leadership? What are some things that you should be doing on a daily basis to make sure that you are creating a positive and healthy environment for your team members to work in?

One of the first things that you should be doing is having a regular morning meeting with all of your team members. This way, you can go over any of the problems that may have come up that day and how you can resolve them. This way, you can take care of any issues that may be bothering people and they can focus on the business at hand instead. Another way that this could help you is to allow people to air any grievances they may have so that they can be addressed before they become bigger issues.

Another thing that you should do with proactive leadership versus reactive leadership is to start assigning tasks to your people. For example, when you have someone that is a key part of your marketing team, you might want to get in contact with them to find out what projects they are currently working on. Then, you should see if you can assign one of your sales team members to work with them so that they know what the next step will be. Of course, you might also want to do this when you are planning something else. As long as you have all of this information available, you will know exactly where you are at in regards to the project.

You should also get a calendar set up for you to plan out your day so that you know where your priorities lie. One of the biggest problems for people is the fact that they sometimes forget where their priorities lie. As long as you have a schedule for yourself, you will know how many priorities that you need to address for the day.

One great thing that you can do is to set a goal that you will be trying to meet during the day. This way, you will know exactly where you are at in terms of what you need to accomplish for the day. When you set a goal for yourself, you can also see whether or not you are actually accomplishing anything. By looking at your goals regularly, you will be able to make sure that you are doing everything that you need to do in order to achieve the results that you are looking for.

Finally, when you are using proactive leadership, you should always keep in mind that it is always important to keep your people motivated. even if the results aren't going the way that you would like them to go. This is the best way that you can get them to continue to do what you are asking them to do. and it will also create a sense of belonging for your team. This means that you will be able to provide a sense of security for them, which is something that is very important.


If you have a group of people in your team, you are going to have some people that will be very motivated and others that will not be. If you are trying to change this with your proactive leadership, you need to keep in mind that you can't push too hard and that there should be some breathing space between each one. That way, you can make sure that you are keeping everyone on track and making sure that everyone gets what they deserve.

It will be easy to see that a reactive approach with your proactive leadership isn't going to be as effective as the other. However, when you understand how to do it right, you can create a healthy environment for everyone in your team to work in and this will create a sense of belonging that is going to lead to success.

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